Jon sent me this and a couple more photos.
Short Description of New Figures / Spare Parts December, 2006
1.21MXG - Euro 59.50. 08/15 Machine Gunner Western Front 1917/18. Figure with Trench Section, 1:15th scale (120mm). Gunner figure and the Maxim MG 08/15, complete with all accessories. Extra stick and egg-grenades, extra ammunition boxes with loose/individual rounds and signal/flare pistol with individual rounds. The plaster base consists of a wooden revetment wall, firing step, duckboard and 2 individual sandbags.
The MG parts in this kit are:
1 x 08/15 MG (5 parts)
1 x Bipod
1 x Rubber steam hose
1 x Spare barrel / cleaning rod container
1 x Water canister (2 parts)
2 x Drum magazines (1 with separate rounds insert)
1 x Magazine bracket
1 x Ammo belt
3 x Ammo boxes (closed)
1 x Ammo box (open - 3 parts)
2.22MXN - Recommended Price: Euro 42.00. German Infantry NCO, Western Front, Winter 1917/18. Figure with Trench Section, 1:15th scale (120mm). NCO figure with C96 Mauser pistol, plexi-glass spectacles. Trench stores, including trench periscope, ammunition bandolier, extra stick and egg-grenades. The plaster base consists of a wooden revetment wall, duckboard and 2 individual sandbags.
3.23MXD - Recommended Price: Euro 117.50. German 08/15 MG Gunner and NCO, Western Front, Winter 1917/18. Complete diorama with dugout entrance and both resin figures as above, 1:15th scale (120mm) with the German Gas Mask Set. Plaster trench sections comprising of: 3 x wooden revetment walls, 2 x sandbag parapets with embrasures, sandbag parapet lintel, firing step, 2 x floor sections with duckboards, dugout entrance with 2 x step/dugout wall sections, gas blanket, 2 x roof sections, 8 x individual sandbags. Trench stores, including sniper shield with loophole (5 parts), extra stick and egg-grenades.
Spare Parts Sets 120mm
SP01 - Euro 15.00. German Gas Mask Set, 1:15th scale (120mm). 3 x Heads (1 x full without headdress, 1 x wearing the field cap, 1 x. half head), 3 x M.17 Gas Masks with clear eye-piece inserts, 3 x Separate Filters, Canvas Gas Mask Holder, Gas Mask Container, Steal Helmet M16 and Steal Helmet M16 with Sandbag Sack Cover.
SP02 - 08/15 MG (4 parts). Bipod, rubber steam hose, Spare barrel / cleaning rod container, water canister (2 parts), drum magazine and rounds (2 parts), magazine bracket, ammo belt, ammo boxes (closed), ammo box with rounds (open - 3 parts).
(Available hopefully Spring 2007)
Please try not to drool all over the post.
All the best,