Additionally, when I used to be headjudge for IPMS-Open I always stressed the point that you should not only deduct points for flaws that you found but also add points for things that where of extra quality. In short terms, what makes this a god model/figure.
Also I introduced a "Trainee-system". Anyone who liked could join a team of judges and see how it was done and how they reasoned. This gave modellers more understanding of the judging, it helped them evolve as modellers themselved and preparedand taught them to be judges themselves. Not that all of them where suited nor guaranteed to judge. The complaints almost disapeared.
In the two big shows here in Sweden. The headjudge and two other experienceJd judges go through the awards to see if it looks right. And usually one to three classes are rejudged because they think the awards looks strange. Judges can do mistakes, even experienced ones. i have done it myself. Sometimes you can correct them but most of the times you can only learn from them.
Janne Nilsson