Piotr Gonczarek
Well-Known Member
Dear Friends,
Few months ago, I have read a book titled "Julian" by Gore Vidal. It is a novel about life of Emperor Julian and especially his efforts to unite and streghten Paganism/Neo-Platonism and other religions as Mithraism, Sol Invictus etc to gradually eradicate Christianity (but without violence). Great book, very rich story..He is almost uknown to a common person and I think it would make a great movie.
What do YOU think? Will we ever see such script realized, one that is not so painfully christan-politically-correct? The movie AGORA seemed to be breaking first ground with the movie that is finally showing the perspective of pagansand philosophers,their persecution and hardships at the hands of the new power-hungry sect.
Would love to know your thoughts,
Few months ago, I have read a book titled "Julian" by Gore Vidal. It is a novel about life of Emperor Julian and especially his efforts to unite and streghten Paganism/Neo-Platonism and other religions as Mithraism, Sol Invictus etc to gradually eradicate Christianity (but without violence). Great book, very rich story..He is almost uknown to a common person and I think it would make a great movie.
What do YOU think? Will we ever see such script realized, one that is not so painfully christan-politically-correct? The movie AGORA seemed to be breaking first ground with the movie that is finally showing the perspective of pagansand philosophers,their persecution and hardships at the hands of the new power-hungry sect.
Would love to know your thoughts,