Actually Robin what gets boring is all of the free advertising going on here. It is one thing to share ideas, tips, techniques and post photos of your work to share how you did it with others.
It's another to post repetitive photos of your work (Haven't we seen the confederate before?)in threads that are about Painting, when there are gallery threads, simply to promote your book. Every time I click on a new thread it's another Mona Lisa.
As far as copyright is concerned, if that's the case then we shouldn't be seeing any of it at all.
You may be getting sick of the "moaning" but a few of us are getting sick of the "[insert figure name here]...painted by Alex Castro" Let's see some tips, techniques, ideas (sorry, we got one on painting wood). Wait, I know, I'll see them in "the book".
Personally I think Gordy and everyone involved in the running of this site deserve an advertising fee.
To all-sorry, I just can't keep quiet anymore.