July 10, 1941


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Martin Antonenko

A Fixture
Jul 11, 2008
In the "new Poland" of the Kaczinski potato you risk up to three years imprisonment if you publish such incidents as the following:

From Dealing With the Truth:
The Jedwabne Massacre

On July 10, 1941, the inhabitants of the north-west Polish town of Jedwabne murdered at least 400 of their fellow citizens of the Jewish faith!

After Poland's military defeat in autumn 1939, the defeated country was divided up between the German Rich and the Soviet Union on the basis of the "Hitler-Stalin Pact"...:



Jedwabne fell to the Soviet Union - the Hitler army, that had originally taken the city ...

... cleared it again.

As in the rest of Poland, the Soviet occupiers immediately set about destroying the existing bourgeois order as completely as possible.

The NKVD secret service in particular used brutal violence against the old political and social elites: landowners, clerics, bourgeois politicians and others were arrested, tortured, deported and, in many cases, shot straight away.

Like all members of religious communities, the Jews were also persecuted - at the same time, who had belonged to a tolerated minority in old Poland, were offered unexpected opportunities for advancement among the new masters if they denied their religion and were devoted to Stalin and the party.

The word quickly spread among Catholic Poles about Jews as supposed "beneficiaries" of the Soviet occupation regime.

Just one day after the outbreak of war between Germany and the Soviet Union, Jedwabne was reoccupied by units of the Hitler Army on June 23, 1941 ...:

At first it remained quiet in the city - even if many Poles were already pondering "revenge" on the Jews and sharpening their knives in their minds.

On July 10, 1941, the front had already shifted far to the east, in Jedwabne only a few German soldiers and a handful of police officers remained.

On the morning of that day the Poles forcibly drive their Jewish fellow citizens together on the market square ...

Already there, the first are beaten and some are murdered.

The rest of the Jews are driven into a barn outside the village ...

... locked up there and burned alive ...:

Their property is then looted and taken over by Poland. Only a few Jews who had previously been able to hide survived the pogrom.

There are considerable differences of opinion about the number of victims of the massacre: Some sources speak of 1,600 victims (especially the communist-Polish data after 1945), others of "only" 300 to 400 deaths ...:

The sources agree, however, that the Germans only watched the pogrom (and made film and photo recordings of it), but otherwise remained completely passive.

After the war, the new Polish authorities charged 22 Jedwabne residents with murder.

Karol Bardon: Death penalty, commuted to 15 years imprisonment after Bolesław Bierut's petition for clemency
Jerzy Laudański: 15 years imprisonment
Zygmunt Laudański: twelve years imprisonment
Władysław Miciura: twelve years imprisonment
Bolesław Ramotowski: twelve years imprisonment
Stanisław Zejer: ten years imprisonment
Czesław Lipiński: ten years imprisonment
Władysław Dąbrowski: eight years imprisonment
Feliks Tarnacki: eight years imprisonment
Roman Górski: eight years imprisonment
Antoni Niebrzydowski: eight years imprisonment
Józef Zyluk: eight years imprisonment

On June 13, 1950, two of the convicts were acquitted by an appeals court.

**continued next post**
Part II

Publicly - as in the case of Katyn and other pogroms that took place at the same time as the events in Jedwabne - the Germans were blamed for the Masser!

In 1960 the city erected a memorial stone with the wording: “The Jewish population was martyred here. On July 10, 1941, the Gestapo and Hitler police burned 1,600 people alive. "

Only 60 years after the events did someone dare to attack this state-decreed "truth":

The Polish historian Jan Tomasz Gross, who works in the USA ...

... published his book "Neighbors. The Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne, Poland" in 2000 in which he processed the previous account of the massacre in Jedwabne and exposed it as a falsification of history ...:

Gross was massively attacked for his book in Poland and - of course - denounced as a "fascist" ...

... (and also threatened with death!), there was an appeal by various "intellectuals" who certified his book a "level below a master's thesis".

But the - at that time still democratic - official Poland adopted the view of Gross, supported by hundreds of irrefutable facts!

To mark the 60th anniversary of the events, a commemoration was held in Jedwabne on July 10, 2001, at which Poland's President Aleksander Kwaśniewski (next picture, center) asked for forgiveness for the massacre in his name and on behalf of those Poles whose consciences were troubled by the crime bat ...:

During this event a new memorial was erected with the inscription: "In memory of the Jews from Jedwabne and the surrounding area, the murdered men, women and children, residents of this area who were burned alive at this point".

On the side of the memorial, a burned piece of the barn door was attached, in which the victims had suffered their painful death.

Although the inscription expressly does not identify anyone as a perpetrator, the residents of Jedwabne boycotted the event entirely.

The local Catholic priest let the church bells ring the entire time during the address of the President, in order to drown out Kwasniewski's speech as much as possible.

The new Polish criminal law, which threatens to jail anyone who describes Poles as anti-Semites and / or murderers of Jews, is - as is quite admitted - a direct reaction of the Potato Party (by her real name "Prawo i Sprawiedliwość" = law and justice I don't like to mention her!) to the events.

Not the murderous events of Jedwabne, but the book by Jan Tomasz Gross, which told the truth.

The memorial stone inaugurated by Kwaśniewski in 2001 was - by whom? - Badly damaged in 2011 ...:

It has been left like that ever since - it has never been repaired ...

At the height of the dispute about the historical truth about the Massasker, the following sticker was widely used in Kaczyinki Poland.

The text reads: "I'm not sorry for Jedwabne!"

So that one thing is clear:
With this article I do not want to relativize the actions of the Germans or their responsibility for the Shoah, or to distract from the guilt of many, many Germans for the mass murder of the Jews of Europe!

But in Jedwabne's case, others murdered - Poles!

And truth must remain truth
"And truth must remain truth."
- Polish Jews were long before the German-Russian Invasion of Poland victims of violence. Between 1937 and 1939 about 80 Polish Jews had been killed and 500 more been injured by pogroms in Poland. Polish Jews who wanted to leave Germany and return to Poland (or were forced to do so) were denied their return to Poland by the Polish government and were interned at the at the border station at Zbąszyń - among these the parents of Herschel Grynszpan, who shot then the secretary of the German embassador at Paris on November 7th 1938.

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