Just a head (for now)


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Agent J23

Apr 6, 2006
Hello everybody!
I am new here so please be gentle with me. ;)
I started working on Mirage’s 200mm British Paratrooper and here’s what I got so far.

Need some help with the hair. I did put highlights on the hair but for some unknown reason you can't see them on the picture. Any suggestions?
Hello Tom,
Welcome to the Planet.
I am assuming this is in acrylics.
This is a tough one. 1st the hair detail on this casting appears light as in
not very deep or pronounced making it pointless to wash or drybrush much. That leaves you with the other option, painting the detail in with many thin lines of shadow and highlight. Pick 5 color values, 1 Mid point (base), 2 shadow(one cool & one warm), 2 highlight (one cool & one warm). Use Dark brown for the base (as you have) then pick two darker colors (but not black) for the shadow and two lighter colors (but not white) for the highlight. The trick is to pick subtle color compliments/differences yet still make it pop. Keep you paints thin (like translucent inks) and use the thinest brush (000).
I've done this before (by the seat of my pants) and it has worked. Let your eyes guide you.
The detail of the helmet netting is such that you should be able to wash and drybrush with good results.
Keep up the good work.
BTW..does MMCL and Balki mean anything to you? ;)
Hi John,
Actually the face is painted with oils. The picture is not the best quality. I can’t take a good picture with my cheap camera. One of these days when my wife is not looking I will sneak out to Circuit City and get me a good camera. I was told by a very wise man that it is easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission. :)

MMCL…., MMCL...., where did I hear that before???? Hmmm, o yeah, wasn’t I the vice president of that club a few years ago? And the name Balki….. it sounds strangely familiar. It’s like I just heard that name this morning at the MMCL’s Saturday morning workshop… Wait!!!! It’s me!!!! It’s all coming back to me now. ;)

But seriously, the head is done in oils. I put black as the base color for the hair and then highlighted it with different shades of browns. Maybe I should try to put more light brown highlights and see what comes out.
You are right about the helmet. I am waiting for the base color to dry and I will start drybrushing the netting.
Thanks John!
Tom/Balki/Agent J23

ps. I have started on another figure (like I don’t have enough started projects) and was thinking about painting the hair blond. Any suggestions as to what colors should I use?
Hello Tom,
I'm sorry I assumed it was in acrylics. I'm not a good source of info on oils.
Come to think of it, I'm not that good of a source on acrylics either compared to others here on the Planet. I will say, from what I have heard, the same 5 color (system) technique works for oils as well. I hear that it is easier in oils because of the longer open (drying) time which allows for more blending and tweeking.
In either technique, it really all comes down to color choice. Sometimes an odd sounding color will work and make the biggest difference. Say for instance, an orange or copper color with the dark browns. It could happen.
There was an excellent thread not too long ago about painting Blonde hair.
Do a search back within say 60 days and you'll find it.
Say hello to the MMCL for me. I know some of those guys might remember me.
Keep up the good work.
try putting a dark brown in for the hair colur and then use the black over the top od that. You just want to stain the the broen with the black, it is amazing how little oil paint you use for this.

try not to do a clean hair line with your brush. paint to near the edge of the hair line and then using an old brush work the paint to the edge to get a more feathered look.

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