Open Book Kaiser's Army 1914/1948 54mm First Realise


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Apr 15, 2012
Hendaye, Spain Border, " Pays Basque", France
New from Germany, exactly from :
New brand :
First 54mm figure from this new brand.
KA54001 Schütze, 1.Landsturm Infanterie Btl; Siegen, 4.Kompanie, 1915
Sulpted by Alan BALL
Extremely well cast in a grey resin without any default.
Except perhaps (it's my opinion) no base included in the box i received.
To order , Paypal accepted :
The figure has the same size as THE TOMMY'S WAR range.
Make your own opinion with the attched files photos.

As annouced in PF the second figure of this range will be the French prisonner on the left of the picture.


  • Kaiser's Army 14-18 Schutze  landsturm 001.JPG
    Kaiser's Army 14-18 Schutze landsturm 001.JPG
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  • Kaiser's Army 14-18 Schutze  landsturm 003.JPG
    Kaiser's Army 14-18 Schutze landsturm 003.JPG
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  • Kaiser's Army 14-18 Schutze  landsturm 004.JPG
    Kaiser's Army 14-18 Schutze landsturm 004.JPG
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  • Kaiser's Army 14-18 Schutze  landsturm 005.JPG
    Kaiser's Army 14-18 Schutze landsturm 005.JPG
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  • Kaiser's Army 14-18 Schutze  landsturm 005.JPG
    Kaiser's Army 14-18 Schutze landsturm 005.JPG
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  • Kaiser's Army 14-18 Schutze  landsturm 006.JPG
    Kaiser's Army 14-18 Schutze landsturm 006.JPG
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  • Kaiser's Army 14-18 Schutze  landsturm 007.JPG
    Kaiser's Army 14-18 Schutze landsturm 007.JPG
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  • Kaiser's Army 14-18 Schutze  landsturm 012.JPG
    Kaiser's Army 14-18 Schutze landsturm 012.JPG
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Thanks ever so much for the review, my friend (y).
I've already ordered mine and am looking forward to receiving it soon :joyful:.
Cheers !
Luc. Thanks for the review. Yes, no base included. 90 % of the figure bases from the figures I paint lying around here because I didn´t use them. I only use some bases from white metal figures as a basis but cover them.
Will the figure be realesed in hobby shops ? Or can we only find it online ?

Laurent. You can find it online, on some shows, but no hobby shop had asked at the moment to get it. So at the moment only online in my shop. BTW the second figure is since yesterday on the way to be casted
Beautiful sculpting; however as Landsturm shouldn't he be armed with a Gew88 ? I look forward to this series as it expands. Are their any plans to release vehicles ? A feldküche would be wonderbar !!
Hi Jack. In normal cases he would be wearing an "older" one as the K98, but I have some original pictures from that unit showing soldiers wearing the K98. Some of my next release will be two "really" Landsturmsoldiers wearing another uniform, cap and gun
Hallo Ulrich!
This first release was quite nice. The französischGefangenen will be my next purchase. ( BitteerstellenPferdeund Artillerie!! )
Thanks, Jack. I will thinking about, but at the moment the next two figures are at the moulder and I hope to get them soon
Danke, Ulrich. Ich freue mich auf Ihren nächsten Artikel. Beachten Sie jedoch, eine FK96 / nA für die Zukunft. Ein gut detailliertes Modell dieses famouse Kanone würde ein sofortiger Verkauf sein!
Hallo Ulrich, kommst Du zufällig nach Folkestone in 2 Wochen? Wenn schon dann nehme ich eine mit nach Hause. Sieht toll aus.

- Steve
Hi Steve
no chance with Folkstone. I have seen a red card from my wife. But my next two figures will be published end of the month. My grandfather with a MG 08/15 and a Submarine sailor with a big fish in his hand
Hallo Ulrich! I am enjoying the new releases, but must ask if you've found an artisan to sculpt the FK 96 n/A ? How popular such a kit would be indeed!
After spending a lot of time painting wargames 1866 figures I feel I need to give my eye a bit of a rest and have finally go round to starting this figure. And a great figure it is too to start back on the larger scale. It's all been said earlier in this thread but just wanted to add a big thumbs up for a really good figures.

Cheers Ulrich, any chance your red card has been cancelled and you'll be at this years EuroMilitaire?

Hello friends, I also have this beautiful figure superbly sculpted by Alan Ball.
To be picky I would have a couple of small observations.
The pockets should be inclined and perhaps the buttons should be eight, and if one is under the buckle, one is missing. However, a beautiful piece that I can not wait to paint!