Keeping My Hand In


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A Fixture
Mar 5, 2013
I have had quite a break from the hobby since finishing the Fusiliers diorama(although I have been doing some professional architectural stuff), and I can’t quite bring myself to pick up Iwo Jima again, so I wanted a little painting project to keep my hand in, because I forget what I learn if I leave it too long. I found this in my stash
MB WWII Pilots 54mm.jpg

I was attracted to the set for the RAF pilot in the middle, but for some strange reason he’s been substituted for JE(Johnny) Johnson.

as seen on the back of the box


I wonder why, it’s very strange. (I was aware of this when I bought it). It may be that the original one actually is Johnny Johnson and there was some mix up?
Anyway he was very simple to assemble and I’ve had him primed on the bench for months, so I decided to just dive into painting him. I don’t know why the artwork has him wearing khaki but I went for RAF blue, because I can.





It’s not my finest hour with a paintbrush but it was just a practice exercise so I’m not at all bothered. I kind of wish I hadn’t just dived into painting because I found things that I wished I had dealt with, that would have made the painting easier. But forewarned is forearmed so I will try harder with the rest of the set. I didn’t want to get bogged down with fine detailing or converting but I don’t have much in the stash that can be painted right away without too much fuss.
But there is THIS, so he will be up next,


I THINK I can remember how to paint French Dark Blue.....
Hi Neil

Great to see what you’ve been working on albeit a practice exercise this time which is always good to do

Is that Napoleonic from “ Men at Arms “ releases based on the Osprey plates ?

Look forward to seeing more

Happy benchtime

I'm in your boat Neil. Because I build aircraft and do dioramas/vignettes as well, I don't do enough figure painting and each time is a bit of a voyage into the unknown. I'm also trying to develop my acrylic painting style (which I am struggling with). So doing practice figures is definitely a good idea. Keep us posted on your progress.
Nice job on the RAF chap, the leather work looks good but you're right to keep practicing I certainly do, that aside it's just good fun. Looking forward to seeing Mortimer! Some of the old New Hope Design were rather good which considering the rate at which they popped them out was good going.

Cheers Simon
Thanks everyone for the encouragement.
Well I quite enjoyed painting this guy. He is Marshall Mortier in 54mm by New Hope Design in white metal, from many many years ago.
Faces are still very much a lottery for me ( as is photography....)but this one has turned out ok.
Mortier (1).jpg

Mortier (2).jpg

Mortier (4).jpg

Next up is this RAF Harrier Pilot by Chota Sahib (Sid Horton) also 54mm ,also white metal , also from a loooong time ago.

Picture nicked from the internet because I forgot to take a pic of him in primer before I started painting
Cheers everyone
Well Mortier turned out rather well, older castings such as NHD can cause their own issues by being not as refined as more modern ones, I'd say this is one of their better ones, some where howlers. Chota Sahib on the other hand are still quality so I'm looking forward to what you do with this one Neil, take your time and enjoy the process.

Cheers Simon
I think he turned out very nicely. But IMO you are making your life difficult by painting these old figures, they leave a lot to be desired in terms of sculpting and casting quality.

Faces are still very much a lottery for me but this one has turned out ok.
They always were for me. Two things have helped - getting a consistent flesh palette (Vallejo beige red has been a great help) and second, really understanding some of the anatomy of the face, especially the eyes (which are the key to the figure IMO). Many of my figures ended up looking like pandas because I didn't realise that the upper eyelid should be darker and also overlaps the lower eyelid at the outer edge. I learned this from Mike Butler's book.

I've recently been trying to understand better how the highlights and shadows fall on the face (by studying the work of many of the folks on here).