Kit review- Pegaso Italian knight


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A Fixture
Dec 29, 2003
Philadelphia, PA.
This truly IS a very nice mounted figure, sculpted by Andrea Jula. Would your permission I would like to share this review with you.


Elite Series
Italian knight standard bearer


Our figure represents a Roman standard bearer of Rione (urban region of Rome), a knight in Cola di Rienzo’s army. The knight wears the Cyclade - surcoat, typical fashion in Europe around the 14th century: a garment worn over the armor, short on the front and long in the back, with triangular sleeves.
Matteo Giovannetti’s frescoes in Avignone depict an imperial knight with a yellow surcoat decorated with a great black eagle. The cloth used for the surcoat could be in rich velvet,damasc or brocade.


Pegaso’s Italian mounted knight is definitely a superb kit, the kit is comprised of 28 parts , cast in quality white metal.
Signor Luca Marchetti appears to be on a mission to produce figures with realistic flair and much artistry.
The face is extremely convincing and will paint up very nicely.
The information sheet included in the kit provides adequate information.
The kit is flash free and the assembly is straight forward with no filling required.
Signor Andrea Jula, the sculptor has truly sculpted a magnificent mounted knight.
I recommend this figure, it will bring many hours of enjoyment.
The company owned by Luca Marchetti has a fantastic customer service department and stands behind his products, he has made Pegaso a leader in the industry.





Roc :)
Ah!, Rocco, Rocco, Rocco!!! everytime I see the SPQR coat (while here, so far from home...), a wave of sentimentalism flood my soul, you know the feeling of Forza Roma!, Forza Lupi! cry :lol: ;)

There are more than one coincidence between Siena (where Pegaso is located) and Roma. In fact, aside the original Etruscan settling, Siena was a Roman military settlement (Saena Iulia).
About the foundation of Siena, the legend tells of Aschio and Senio (the sons of Remo), escaping from the rage of Romolo with two horses (one black and other white). After a sacrifice in honour of Diana and Apollo the city was established by the two fugitives. The smoke's colours of the sacrifice and the colours of the horses (black and white) were next used as the colours of the city coat of arms.

Actually, you can see a lot of reproductions of the Lupa Capitolina in the city of Siena (and all over the Toscana, look at the attached picture, it's me! in Pisa the past year during a very cold winter...).

La Lupa Capitolina is an Etruscan bronze (V century b.c.) and the figures of Romolo and Remo were added lately. If I remember correctly, the original is preserved into the Musei Capitolini, here a preview of the content of Palazzo dei Conservatori.

Nice kit, hope to see your painted version of the SPQR soon ;)

Ciao, Luca


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Thanks guys, glad you like the review.

Luca, anche io sento la madre patria che mi chiama ogni volta che depingo un Romano o un soladato Italico, essendo un Italo-Americano son molto orgoglioso di essere di origine Italiana.

Viva L'italia

Roc. :)
Roc, that's a beauty of a figure I have always wanted but for one reason or another, I have never purchased it. Thanks to your review and Luca's background, I may have to give this one try. Keep us posted once you begin the painting process.

Jim Patrick