That was another fine release from Pegaso Models and a very interesting subject indeed. Nice colors and usual quality detail from Maurizio Bruno, attracted me right away. So here is the review of another fine release of Pegaso.
Historical Notes (taken from Pegaso's leaflet inside the box)
In 1790, the National Constituent Assembly created the Aide-de-Camp (ADC) for the purpose of assisting in campaign the four Generals of the Armed Forces and the Field Marshals. The Aide-de-Camps were selected from the best officers and carried out essential operations during campaigns. They had to ensure that orders were also actioned, they assumed direct command of divisions remaining without officers, and had to plan logistics, supplies and resources to the troops in occupied territories. on 19th May 1804 the Marshals of the Emperor were created who required a large support staff to conduct their tasks and activities.A degree in February 1805 declared that Marshals could only have a maximum of four Aides selected from their General Staff. This number proved insufficient especially on campaigns and the number of Aides grew rapidly irrespective of the content of the degree.
Regarding the uniforms of the Aides, most of them followed the Hussards' uniform regulations but Marshals like Murat, Berthier were authorised to dress their Aides in specialised uniforms. For example the ADC of Soult had "surtouts" of non-regulation color worn during the Spanish Campaign.
The most famous ADC of Soult was Luis Bertrand Pierre Brun de Villeret who was ADC in 1805 and 1806 and again in Spain from 1808 to 1812. He firstly held the rank of Chef d'escadron and then Adjutant Commandant in command of all the Marshal's ADCs.
The kit
Article 54-224
Sculptor: Maurizio Bruno
Painter: Danilo Cartacci
Material: white metal
Pieces: 15
Weight: 110 gr.
Size: 54 mm.
The classic dark blue hard carton box with the two dark grey foams, holds all 15 pieces of the kit safely and secure.
Below you can see each piece individually and admire the quality of them.
For more pictures of the finished figure please visit Pegasos website:
Quality and Detail
For once again the Quality of Pegaso in this figure is absolutely amazing. Clean cast, no mold lines, make this figure a pleasure to start, without much cleaning. The details that Maurizio Bruno added to this figure are simply amazing. Crisp and impressive details are waiting for the painter to make them stand out.
Looking at the figure as every Napoleonic Figure of this kind, I would consider this kit, as medium difficulty regarding the painting. The golden laces and details can be tricky, but again patience is our friend once again. So give it a try and I'm sure that you will turn this figure into a masterpiece.
Concluding I have to say that I was 100% satisfied overall with this figure, it's an unusual subject and a very good choice for all the Napoleonic fans, and also those who would like to have a try on this era.
Finally I would like to Thank again Pegaso Models and Luca Marchetti the owner for providing this kit.
That was another fine release from Pegaso Models and a very interesting subject indeed. Nice colors and usual quality detail from Maurizio Bruno, attracted me right away. So here is the review of another fine release of Pegaso.
Historical Notes (taken from Pegaso's leaflet inside the box)
In 1790, the National Constituent Assembly created the Aide-de-Camp (ADC) for the purpose of assisting in campaign the four Generals of the Armed Forces and the Field Marshals. The Aide-de-Camps were selected from the best officers and carried out essential operations during campaigns. They had to ensure that orders were also actioned, they assumed direct command of divisions remaining without officers, and had to plan logistics, supplies and resources to the troops in occupied territories. on 19th May 1804 the Marshals of the Emperor were created who required a large support staff to conduct their tasks and activities.A degree in February 1805 declared that Marshals could only have a maximum of four Aides selected from their General Staff. This number proved insufficient especially on campaigns and the number of Aides grew rapidly irrespective of the content of the degree.
Regarding the uniforms of the Aides, most of them followed the Hussards' uniform regulations but Marshals like Murat, Berthier were authorised to dress their Aides in specialised uniforms. For example the ADC of Soult had "surtouts" of non-regulation color worn during the Spanish Campaign.
The most famous ADC of Soult was Luis Bertrand Pierre Brun de Villeret who was ADC in 1805 and 1806 and again in Spain from 1808 to 1812. He firstly held the rank of Chef d'escadron and then Adjutant Commandant in command of all the Marshal's ADCs.
The kit
Article 54-224
Sculptor: Maurizio Bruno
Painter: Danilo Cartacci
Material: white metal
Pieces: 15
Weight: 110 gr.
Size: 54 mm.
The classic dark blue hard carton box with the two dark grey foams, holds all 15 pieces of the kit safely and secure.
Below you can see each piece individually and admire the quality of them.
For more pictures of the finished figure please visit Pegasos website:
Quality and Detail
For once again the Quality of Pegaso in this figure is absolutely amazing. Clean cast, no mold lines, make this figure a pleasure to start, without much cleaning. The details that Maurizio Bruno added to this figure are simply amazing. Crisp and impressive details are waiting for the painter to make them stand out.
Looking at the figure as every Napoleonic Figure of this kind, I would consider this kit, as medium difficulty regarding the painting. The golden laces and details can be tricky, but again patience is our friend once again. So give it a try and I'm sure that you will turn this figure into a masterpiece.
Concluding I have to say that I was 100% satisfied overall with this figure, it's an unusual subject and a very good choice for all the Napoleonic fans, and also those who would like to have a try on this era.
Finally I would like to Thank again Pegaso Models and Luca Marchetti the owner for providing this kit.
