R rdclaeps Well-Known Member Joined Jan 31, 2004 Messages 202 May 3, 2005 #1 For anyone interested..... in my quest to thin out the grey army, I posted several kits on KitBay.
Guy A Fixture Joined Aug 20, 2003 Messages 12,739 Location US, Oklahoma May 3, 2005 #2 You have some great kits listed Roger...........good luck with your auction.
megroot A Fixture Joined Jan 7, 2004 Messages 28,731 Location Netherlands, Arnemuiden May 3, 2005 #3 Roger, I have two favorite's. Pitty that you don't sell out of the USA. Marc
R rdclaeps Well-Known Member Joined Jan 31, 2004 Messages 202 May 3, 2005 #4 Thanks Guy. Sorry Marc. It's easier for me to just ship USA. I can mail small priority mailboxes from the house. Out of county packages requires a visit to the post office and a wait in line to fill out the custom's form. Roger
Thanks Guy. Sorry Marc. It's easier for me to just ship USA. I can mail small priority mailboxes from the house. Out of county packages requires a visit to the post office and a wait in line to fill out the custom's form. Roger
megroot A Fixture Joined Jan 7, 2004 Messages 28,731 Location Netherlands, Arnemuiden May 4, 2005 #5 Oke Roger, But then you have space for new figure's. You gotta do something. :lol: Marc