Viking Bob
PlanetFigure Supporter
You are certainly knocking them out and all to a high standard, this one will be no different.
This one is looking very nice.
This one is looking very nice.
You are certainly knocking them out and all to a high standard, this one will be no different.
This one is looking very nice.
This is going to be interesting Roger,look forward to seeing how you handle this
good start and intersting subject Roger, you never rest (but we are pleasent of this) ...
As a Greek , I am always flattered by the interest in the Greek military history......
Well done will be awarded with a ....Greek figure for your next subject!
A grizzled mountaineer.You've captured the essence of it.Love it.
A cracking start , looking forward to seeing more.
Lovely figure, RogerHope you enjoyed your holiday!
Coming back from Greece, I imagine you'll be full of inspiration and onto the brushes in no time.
Well done Roger hoping you had a great holiday.
I am guessing you didn't fly Yorkshire Airlines !
Nice start Roger.
How was your holiday? ( I can see from the post above you had a good time.)
Some serious field research there...Don't forget,lamb kleftiko is eaten by hand,no forks,no knives,talking about "hands on"experience.