What I find amazing about this painting, is that although it is basically a light (greyish) color principally, it still looks like the dramaic "dark" overall scheme which is so pleasing to the eye...something unique about that.
Bravo...another winner.
In the short time you've been here on Planet Figure you've produced some amazing pieces, both as a sculptor and painter. The thing I've come to admire so much is that you have a painting style that is immediately recognisable and uniquely your own. It a pleasure to look at these pictures and admire your talent.
Nicely done. For me, my favorite thing about this piece is the ground work. Not to take away from the great paints, it's refreshing to see the cobblestones, the light straw underfoot and the unique tied bundles of wood. Well done!
Now this is how i imagine a realistic medieval figure should look, whites are not white but more tan because they would not get the washing treatment like today's clothing.
I also like your unique style and you really bring out a cold atmosphere into your medievil subjects which suites them just right.