WIP Knight in tournament armour


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Silver Dream

Active Member
Dec 26, 2016
St Petersburg Russian Federation
Greetings to all!
This will be my first separate post on Planetfigure
As some of you know, I am the director of a painting studio located in St. Petersburg. More than 20 professional artists work with me.
Recently, one of our models has become the "Figure of the Month" here.
I promised to create a “work in progress” publication and now I keep my promise, although it’s quite difficult to distract the artist from work and ask for making photos)
Artist: Nadezhda P.
Model by Pegaso Models, conversion
Enjoy watching!

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Thank you for posting the pictures Silver Dream and congratulations to the artist - the brushwork is breathtaking. I'm not entirely sure that a professionally painted figure should be entered into the Figure of the Month contest personally, but fully understand why such a beautiful piece would win. :)
(I would not wish my personal opinion to seem a criticism of any artist who makes a living painting figures since a lot of us, also dedicate large amounts of time in pursuit of such excellence and the Figure of the Month contest should surely be viewed as offering the best of what is being produced by the members of Planet Figure)

I look forward to seeing more of your work (In progress shots like these are wonderful, showing how such complex designs are slowly built up with patience and skill)
All the best
Thank you very much for those steps, the final art is awesome, a lot of hours and high concentration and skill is needed to do this kind of work, and holy patient as well.
I take note about drawing the horse blankets before fixing the figure to the ground. I pass a lot of hours drawing freehand with forced postures.:inpain:

Military miniatures painted by Eduardo Garcia

Thank you for showing this, I have a number of such figures from the Russian Studios and they are stunning and set the bar for artistry in figurines, if not always Historical accuracy but that is some times arguable as often evidenced on the forum. There are of course also numbers of very talented European painters who can reach this standard.

I see no problem with such a figure being entered in the figure of the month as the lines between professional and amateur painters are blurred anyway. I think however to enter too regularly might cause some concern.

I regularly go to shows where the medals are almost preordained due to the outstanding skill of certain members, it is inspirational to see their work on display.

Magnificent,breathtaking and wonderful are three words that come in mind and yet they are insufficient to describe my admiration Nadezhda is a fabulous artist and you Aleksey a man of your word!!!!

I think there needs to be a new category.. FIGURE OF THE YEAR.. Great paint work, the artist is a true master of the craft.. I will stick to my finger painting style.. I am so pleased that Silver Dream has shared this work with us... Merry Christmas to all..
I lack of words to describe what I feel looking at these pictures!

Stunning, magnificent, outstanding are just mere words that come to mind, but they don't even come close to the reality!

Thank you Steve Ski for bringing this old thread to the news!


Congratulations to the artist!


The artistry is beyond stunning.Would any knight have riden to tournament with such a richly decorated horse?


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