Geoff Charman
A Fixture
I kept meaning to buy this for a long time, so I bought him from Steve at SK Miniatures.
I have done all the prep and this time glued all the arms and barrel in place so I could apply some filler to the shoulder joins.
I have painted the eyes in acrylics and given them a coat of acrylic varnish.
I do this so so that if when I get any Artist's oils on then when painting the flesh I can remove it with a dampened, with white spirit, brush.
I have done all the prep and this time glued all the arms and barrel in place so I could apply some filler to the shoulder joins.
I have painted the eyes in acrylics and given them a coat of acrylic varnish.
I do this so so that if when I get any Artist's oils on then when painting the flesh I can remove it with a dampened, with white spirit, brush.