dear friends...after months of work,the book-catalog of theMonreale Show (Sicily)7 to 9 October2011 isfinally finished...DONE!!
There you will find inside...everything and more...
328 pages and over 1000 photos!!
The priceof the bookincludes a DVD of all photos (including those not published) is 40 euros.
For those wishing toenjoy theblow-upsof the finest pieces of the greatest artists, click here to find instructions to receive it

There you will find inside...everything and more...
328 pages and over 1000 photos!!
The priceof the bookincludes a DVD of all photos (including those not published) is 40 euros.
For those wishing toenjoy theblow-upsof the finest pieces of the greatest artists, click here to find instructions to receive it