WIP Lagertha Lodbrok 160mm


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Piotr Gonczarek

Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2015
Prague (Zlata Praha)
Dear Friends,
Lagertha Lodbrok already primed and ready (hopefully) to come alive.Recently,I a lso found interesting figure for Bjorn Ironsides conversion -will post pics soon. Important:This is my personal interpretation of Lagertha given an "artistic freedom" and not in any way based on a TV series (tho I love it with passion!) Cheers,Peter (
Lagertha(WIP) 003.JPG

Lagertha(WIP) 004.JPG Lagertha(WIP) 005.JPG Lagertha(WIP) 010.JPG Lagertha(WIP) 011.JPG Lagertha(WIP) 013.JPG
Hi Peter
Nice figure. Not sure about the Position of the sword, but .. One question: I had seen it at your last here shown figure too. Do you not use Magic sculpt or something like that to fill the parts, where something was glued togethere? Like here at the belly, the arms and the leg?
Hi Peter
Nice figure. Not sure about the Position of the sword, but .. One question: I had seen it at your last here shown figure too. Do you not use Magic sculpt or something like that to fill the parts, where something was glued togethere? Like here at the belly, the arms and the leg?
Hi Ulrich,
I usually fill all the articulation points with Milliput prior to priming. But in case of this one,the belly ,lets call it dividing line will be covered with the leather belt (the whole "cape"-sorry I dont know what its called in English) will be attached little higher ,the arm will be repositioned so the line will dissappear and I want to have freedom with articulation of the leg, cuz there are many other "cool"positions it can be adjusted to. So,at the end none ot them will be visible. As far as sword, I just thought it looks more dynamic this way, it can be positioned both ways (still not glued) still thinking about it.But I think this is more "agressive"look..Below let me show you apocalypse horseman how it looked originally..my WIP project left only the neck which will be covered with chain or rope.B0000E3BSL.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg