For Sale Large Stash Sale, Sept. 2024 - Part 1


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A Fixture
Staff member
Aug 13, 2009
This is Part 1 of my major new (as of September 2024) stash-thinning operation. I’m splitting it into 4 parts covering almost 100 figures (and a few busts) in total, which is about 20% of my stash so it's a significant offload.

Go here for Part 2:

Go here for Part 3:

Go here for Part 4:

Please read the blurb below. PM me if you have any questions or are interested in something.

All figures are manufacturers' originals, unstarted & in their original boxes (except for the EK Castings, which don’t come boxed). Unless otherwise noted, the boxes are in perfect or very good condition.

All prices are in British Pounds (£).

UK Shipping:
£3.00 for one figure. Happy to combine postage for more than one. Highly likely (but not guaranteed) that 2 figures would come in at the same.

Overseas shipping:
The following (approximate) prices are for one figure, and again I am happy to combine shipping on more than one (to Australia for example, the likely cost of 2 figures would be around £15.00 / £16.00):

Australia £13.00 / Brazil £14.00 / Canada £11.00 / France £7.00 / Germany £7.00 / Greece £12.00 / Ireland £7.00 / Israel £10.50 / Italy £8.00 / Netherlands £8.00 / New Zealand £13.00 / Poland £8.00 / Singapore £10.00 / Spain £7.00 / USA £11.00

If you fancy anything but your country isn't on that list, just let me know and I'll hit you with a shipping price.

Via PayPal in British Pounds (£) "Friends & Family". I don't mind doing "Goods & Services", but if you want this please add 3% to the total.

So without further ado …

ANDREA - Beau Geste (metal 54mm) – £15.00 - SOLD
ARES MYTHOLOGIC - Singulari Augusti, III Cent. (resin 75mm) OOP£30.00
ARTSOLDIERS MINIATURAS - The Miracle (resin 75mm) – £25.00 - SOLD
AVANPOST - Arquebusier firing (resin 75mm) – £28.00
BENEITO - Nuke Raider (metal 54mm) – £7.00
BESTSOLDIERS - Carignan-Salieres Regiment XVII Cent. (resin 75mm) – £22.00 - SOLD
BESTSOLDIERS - English Officer AWI (metal 75mm) – £22.00 - PENDING
BESTSOLDIERS – “The Arrogant” Chevaliers des Oceans 1710 (metal 75mm) – £22.00
BLUES MINIATURES - Union Army Infantry Bugler 1862 -1864 (resin 54mm) (box tatty)£8.00 - SOLD
BONAPARTES - Seated Mongol (resin 150mm) (standard Bonapartes' plain brown box) OOP£60.00
BOUTIQUE DES CARNUTES - Russian Soldier WWI bust (resin 1/16) – £12.00 - SOLD
CASTLE MINIATURES - British Officer with Bulldog (75mm) – £30.00 - SOLD
CASTLE MINIATURES - Cannon Fodder (Landsknecht with pig) (resin 54mm) – £20.00
CHRONOS - Mongol Spearman (metal 54mm) – £15.00 - SOLD
CHRONOS - Persian Immortal (resin 75mm) – £17.00
CHRONOS - Philistine Warrior (resin 54mm)– £10.00
CHRONOS - Sherden Warrior, XIII-XII cent. B.C. (resin 54mm)– £10.00
CRECY MODELS - Border Reiver (metal 54mm) – £15.00
EK CASTINGS - Landsknecht (metal, one-piece figure no box 54mm) – £5.00 - SOLD
ELAN 13 - Ironside E.C.W. (Mike Blank sculpt, resin 65mm) – £20.00 - PENDING
EL GRECO MINIATURES - Roman Legionary bust (resin 1/10) – £20.00
ELITE - Mongol Archer (metal 54mm) – £17.50
ELITE - Mongol Warrior (metal 54mm) – £17.50
ELITE - Norman Knight, Antioch 1298 (metal 54mm) – £15.00

ANDREA - Beau Geste (54mm).jpgARES MYTHOLOGIC - Singulari Augusti, III Cent. (75mm).jpgARTSOLDIERS MINIATURAS - The Miracle (75mm).jpgAVANPOST - Arquebusier (75mm) 75.013.jpgBENEITO - Nuke Raider (54mm).jpgBESTSOLDIERS - Carignan-Salieres Regiment XVII Cent. (75mm).jpgBESTSOLDIERS - English Officer AWI (75mm).jpgBESTSOLDIERS - The Arrogant - Chevaliers des Oceans 1710 (75mm).jpgBLUES MINIATURES - Union Army Infantry Bugler 1862 -1864 (54mm).JPGBONAPARTES - Seated Mongol (150mm).jpgBOUTIQUE DES CARNUTES - Russian Soldier WWI.jpgCASTLE MINIATURES - Cannon Fodder (54mm).jpgCASTLE MINIATURES - Officer with Bulldog (75mm).jpgCHRONOS - Mongol Spearman (54mm).jpgCHRONOS - Persian Immortal (75mm).jpgCHRONOS - Philistine Warrior (54mm).jpgCHRONOS - Sherden Warrior, XIII-XII cent. B.C. (54mm).jpgCRECY MODELS - Border Riever (54mm).jpgEK CASTINGS - Landsknecht (54mm).jpegEL GRECO MINIATURES - Roman Legionary (resin 1-10).jpgELAN 13 - Ironside E.C.W. (65mm).jpgELITE - Mongol Archer (54mm).jpgELITE - Mongol Warrior (54mm).jpgELITE - Norman Knight, Antioch 1298 (54mm).jpgELITE - RHA Officer 1842 (54mm).jpg

- Steve
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