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Figure Mad

A Fixture
Nov 9, 2004
Hi Guys

I have had this figure in the back of one of he draws in my work desk, since I bought it at Euro 2002 when it came out. I have finally decided to try my hand at the excellent facial sculpture...

I cant wait to try and get the snow on the ground work.... :)
Comments are always welcome, good or bad, so let me know what you think



Wow, Dave! Fantastic work there! You're right, he has a wonderful face and you did a very nice job of bringing it to life. The black looks great, too. Keep us posted on his progress, amigo - I look forward to it.

aka Hyades
Dave, Very nice job. Are you done shading it yet. It looks like a lot can be done with the cover on the shako. You may also want to add a bit of red to the cheekbone and ball of nose to show the soldier is out in the cold.~Gary
Hi Johan

I have to say I'm one of the new breed of painters who use acrylics...

Hi Gary

nearly all of the shading is done now, just a little on the face as you said, the shako is basically finished, forgot to take a picture of the back of it...

thanks for all the comments guys and girls, I will keep you all posted as to how it goes.......

Nice looking face Dave. I too will be following this as I have this figure too. Let us know about any problems you run into or things you would do differently if you had to do it again.

Jim Patrick
Hi Jim

There are some very big problems with fit of parts for the legs to torso due to the amount of parts, filler is needed, but apart from that its very straight forward.

I think the only part I would do again would be the construction of the legs to torso area...
but all in all a great figure

Hi John

this is in fact a 90mm andrea figure, I wish I could paint a 54mm figure like that.... :lol:
