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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Another great bust from Alexandros

***Text from social media***

ASL/141: "LOUIS XIV" 200mm. Bust

Our second release for this month is another bust, the french king Louis XIV.
This piece is completely different of Achilles both in terms of character and, above all, in style, of the Baroque type (logically, since it is the period in which the French monarch lived). It is based in one of the Hyacinte Rigaud's portraits of Louis XIV, and follows the prototype of majestic representation, emphasizing the essence of absolutism. About Rigaud' canvas, the words of Art History professor Andreas Prater helped us for the concept of this bust:
«The mouth is closed, ironic and determined, the eyes have a hard and dark shine, the fine nose reveals intransigence. This sovereign is neither good nor bad, but he is beyond all moral categories »
Regarding painting, I wanted to follow the style of Rigaud and François Bouchet, with quite pure and transparent colors, giving importance to light and the effect on volumes. A simple bust but in which there is skin, hair, silk, velvet, armor and even the possibility of creating the effect of marble on the base, which is included in the kit :) Thanks for your attention! Be happy! ❤️❤️❤️
200mm. Resin bust
Sculpture by Ebroin Song
Boxart by Alexandre Cortina Bonastre


This also from Alexandros

AG/141: "Achilles", 200mm. Bust

"Μῆνιν ἄειδε θεὰ Πηληιάδεω Ἀχιλῆος οὐλομένην, ἣ μυρί' Ἀχαιοῖς ἄλγε' ἔθηκε, [...]

Sing, Goddess, of the rage of Peleus' son Achilles, the accursed rage that brought great suffering to the Achaeans, [...]"

These first verses of Homer's Iliad (they are the invocation), have been decisive for the character of the bust that we present today, since the first thing that is mentioned in them is "the rage of Achilles", which is the guiding axis of the story during the first of the 24 books of said work. So then, this rage (or following some of the epithets about Achilles throughout the Iliad: "breaking through men" (ῥηξ-ήνωρ rhēx-ḗnōr), "lion-hearted" (θῡμο-λέοντα thūmo-léonta), "like to the gods" ( θεοῖς ἐπιείκελος theoîs epieíkelos) should be evident in the expression of our character.
Following the descriptive idea of ​​the epithet in said work by Homer, another of the elements that we have taken into account is the effect of the wind ("windy Ilium"), which is really persistent even today in the area of ​​the Dardanelles where the ruins of Troy are located, in west coast of Türkiye.
The other issue that we have taken into account is, obviously, the archaeological evidence when it comes to reconstructing the armor, which at that time was made of bronze. The spear painted on iron is a license from the painter; iron was already known in this period, invented by Anatolian artisans (Troy seems to have been a tributary city of the Hittite empire at the time) but its production was still scarce and remained as a secret weapon. However, the idea of ​​Achilles' destructive power has suggested to us the possibility of using an iron weapon, capable of piercing the armor of his Trojan rivals.
We hope you like this bust! :)
Sculpture by Adriano Laruccia
Boxart Alexandre Cortina Bonastre
200mm. Resin bust


I particularly like the work of the grand-master of ancient warriors, Master Laruccia.
And the paintwork on both busts is outstanding, too.
