le petit soldat thanks


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PlanetFigure Supporter
Jul 21, 2005
Turin, Italy
many thanks to all the people that permitted to Le petit soldat show to be so successful.
I’d like to show you a pictures ( take by Daniel Ipperti) of the best of show. Subject is a fantastic interpretation of Count Drakul by Kostas Kariotelis.

Many site has a gallery dedicated to LPS show, some link :
http://www.laprimularossa.it/LPS%202006/index.html ( more than 400 pictures directly from the organisation)


enjoy these galleries waiting for next edition in October 2007

What a fantastic work of art. I really like the manner in which the groundwork "floats" above the base. I've seen this method used for art bronzes and it works on a miniature as well.~Gary
As Gary said, it is no more sculpting or modelling, it is Art! What to say about this? Sadly I have no words. Unbelievable stuff, great and fantastic!

GREAT!!!! :eek:
Thanks for sharing.

Can somebody show me some link of Kostas works?
some galery of sometigh.

I´d saw two or tree works from him, but, I want to see ALL!!

Dear Alex , Kostas work is not collected somewhere and he doesnt have a site on his own .

You can check few figures by him here on Pepe's site

Kariotellis Gallery

He produces (last years) very few pieces but since yousee the work theyre loaded with you understand why.

This is his previous mounted figure ..almosta the Best of Show in World Expo of Boston .. THe Spanish

Drakul is an astonishing figure, it was completely done by putty, is a total sculpt and was painted thinking to lightening light! It won the best but with a very close advantage in comparison with Cartacci / Numitone’s work.
They showed the “Soleil of Austerlitz” and the new Murat at Austerlitz.

A completely different field what’s the best? Very hard to choose between imagination and creativity and very high technical level with more historical research, are different philosophy, different approach…
Enjoy the new Murat at Austerlitz and compare.

Originally posted by Major_Goose@Oct 23 2006, 12:41 AM
Dear Alex , Kostas work is not collected somewhere and he doesnt have a site on his own .

You can check few figures by him here on Pepe's site

He produces (last years) very few pieces but since yousee the work theyre loaded with you understand why.

This is his previous mounted figure ..almosta the Best of Show in World Expo of Boston .. THe Spanish

Hello Costas, thanks for reply my friend,
Bell, I´ll waiting for Kostas new works.

All best.

No problem Alex i will keep you updated to whats new with kostas. At the time we talk i am expecting your nice sculpt of the Blaccbeard's bust for Trifon. Nice stuff, congratsulations

Thanks for sharing this. I saw picture's of these amazing piece of art.
It is unbelieveble what a man can do with putty when he is an artist.
Great work.
I'm glad that i was not a jurymember at the shows where these two pieces are in competition. This can't be judged, but can only be wondered.
