Excellent release. The only thing that doesn't work for me is the hood which looks a bit too 'Sherwood Forest'. Everything else works with plenty of painting challenges.
Really wish it was 75mm.
It's probably pretty pukka though Del, lots of references to hooded cloaks in the literature of the times and of course Odin was famed for wandering the world hooded, the below example is even green!
A link to their website would be nice. It would save us all from having to search for it. When I did, I don't see it on their website. No idea how much it costs, when it'll be available etc. I don't know why they announce these products when they aren't ready to sell them. Perhaps they should wait until the websites are updated before announcements?
I emailed legion to get prices and delivery to states .....gotten no response ....interested in a few viking pieces.....jim
I emailed legion to get prices and delivery to states .....gotten no response ....interested in a few viking pieces.....jim