Lets Start The Translations!


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A Fixture
Nov 12, 2003
Veracruz, Mexico
Hi gordy,i already finish the step by step i was translating, now i wanna ask you, what article will be the first to translate from english to spanish?

Ed (y)
Hi there! First time here in a very long time. Site looks really good! I'd like to offer my services in translating any articles from Spanish to English. However, I'll have a lot more free time in a couple of weeks (it's crunch-time at work).
Is this the real Pete? I did not know that you ventured over here with us common folk. :) Glad to see you on Pete and look forward to seeing more of your work.

DUUUUUUUUUUDES!!!! Actually, I have a confession to make: I visited the site a handful of times when it first launched. However, a certain thing going on in my personal life and my job kept me from participating much here and over on TnT. However, that's all over with and finals are next week, so I'll have LOTS more free time to "get involved." Yeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaw!!!! Gordy has put together an incredible site here with lots of potential. I'll definitely get more involved here, as well as over in TnT (yes, that was a "very cheap plug" ;) ), so expect to see more pictures of my latest posted online when I get more time to take the pictures and post them. I posted pictures of the "Stelzels" display over on TnT, but I'll post t hem here as well when I have the time and figure out how to do so here as well. By the way, my website is down for the moment - some sort of SNAFU beyond my understanding - but I'll be redoing my site over the Christmas break. I'll let you guys know when it's back up & running.

Hey Joe! I "did" receive your email, but finals have consumed whatever spare time I have. Needless to say, count me in on the project. Former greenskeeper from Bushwood ... about to win the championship at ... Augusta ............. OH that was a beautifu ..... IT'S IN THE HOLE!!! IT'S IN THE HOOOOOOOOOOOLE!!!!!! I'll email you soon.
A fellow crazy mother of a loud-as-hell-shirt-wearing psycho like yourself would understand that "dude" is a "state of mind." Ever watch "the Big Lebowski"? You see, there you go ... dudereeno :) Great to see you here, Quangareeno!

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