Thank you, going to be tricky to up the contrast but keeping if soft enough to fit the subject.Looking good so far, like the eyes.
Thank youI’d not worry keeping it too my eye the box art is unrealistically pale and soft..I’d be thinking she was one tough chick and a bit of wind, sun, grease would be perfectly in keeping..even with the medals and dress uni...
Playing it safe ...nah..get out of the comfort zone. It’s just paint after go for it dude
Dirt sir? I will have you know that is black ink and it doesn’t come out easily lolI think it looks good Graham......I recommend you pick that bit of dirt from your thumbnail though...
Is the neck a bit long? You are on it ..,wonder what would happen though if you scraped off the medals and simplified the epaulettes to make a combat chick?
Thank Steve, still a long way to go. A lot of my issues was down to my state of mind at the time and I just could not get my head round the simplest thing. I am in a much better place now, happily retired but missing a wage when it comes to buying figures. Because of this I need, and will, get the best I can from each and every one. Hopefully each figure will be an improvement on the previous. Thanks for your supportive comments.Your painting has progressed in leaps and bounds since you first started posting up Graham. And if anything, the break seems to have given you a boost!
- Steve
Thanks Bob, totally agree may look sweet but I wouldn’t want to be at the wrong end of her T34Nice one Graham, I concur what Steve has said, well done.
How combat chick can you get, she's a tankie.
Thanks SteveThats looking Great Graham