Life Miniatures January 2014 New Release


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Beautiful--this company is rapidly ascending the ranks, becoming one of the best in sculpting and presentation.
Amazing work, I agree that this company is becoming the benchmark for sculpting and painting. I have six of this companies releases and I still haven't plucked up the courage to start anyway
LIFE, indeed. Exceptional in all aspects. Sets the market's standard of what the end product should be.


And just a thought/question to all of us: When you see a piece of art (because that's exactly what it is) that moves you so much, makes you jaw drop in sheer awe, how do you overcome this 'wow! I could never paint like this' feeling that prevents you from buying/trying?

For my part, I just aim as high as I can, just so that (to quote Jeff Bridges performing "Fallin' & Flyin" from The Crazy Heart): 'Funny how falling feels like flying'

Thank you LIFE miniatures, because trying to match your standards, you make everyone aim as high as they can, and frankly this is what I would expect from all the talented artists out there and from any type of art...

Enjoy the flight!
Its not bad lad, but there's summat not right about them fingernails. Surprised none ut t'other lads noticed that!

Ok its good, its very very good, its BRILLIANT. Would love another SBS like you did Sang Eon in Figure International on the Waffen SS infantryman- only this of this one. Damn I might even buy it
Its not bad lad, but there's summat not right about them fingernails. Surprised none ut t'other lads noticed that!

Ok its good, its very very good, its BRILLIANT. Would love another SBS like you did Sang Eon in Figure International on the Waffen SS infantryman- only this of this one. Damn I might even buy it

Nails look fine to me. Wrong RAF manicure?

For all sorts of reasons, this is the best thing I've seen on here for a long time.

And I reckon it'll be another long time before we witness anything this good again....

top job.
I thought the Winston Churchill was good but this piece has to be the best Life Miniatures have done yet,i don't know where to start, its a magnificent piece of sculpting and the paintwork is breathtaking,congratulations on a magnificent release.

SCRAMBLE, got to get to my wallet :)
apologies Colin!

Anyway, it would be really good to hear from the guys about how they did it.

I have been following another thread elsewhere of one of Sang Eon's sculpts/paints. 2 points arising- how much of the final effort is down to the paint brush rather than the sculpt ( a heck of a lot)

how painting in this scale differs to say 54mm in terms of contrast, detailing.

Tips would be very welcome fellas!
I have been painting for a very long time, seen incredibly sculpted and painted figures through the years but this is pretty much the most breathtaking piece I have ever seen. Simply amazing! (y)
I am no expert, but......that might be the most perfectly executed paint job on a bust I have ever seen.

Even the most critical would be hard-pressed to not give out a "10".
