PlanetFigure Supporter
Few things in life give me goosebumps anymore. This is a joy to behold. I can't stop staring at it!
Amazing work, I agree that this company is becoming the benchmark for sculpting and painting. I have six of this companies releases and I still haven't plucked up the courage to start anywayBeautiful--this company is rapidly ascending the ranks, becoming one of the best in sculpting and presentation.
Its not bad lad, but there's summat not right about them fingernails. Surprised none ut t'other lads noticed that!
Ok its good, its very very good, its BRILLIANT. Would love another SBS like you did Sang Eon in Figure International on the Waffen SS infantryman- only this of this one. Damn I might even buy it
Irony- not everyone gets it!
Well done Sang Eon very very cool...