Completed Critique Little Generals Mountain Man


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A Fixture
Mar 15, 2012
London, UK
This is the first kit I've completed from start to finish for years and the largest metal kit I've ever built. Big learning curve and I'm definitely out of practice. I have two more LG Mountain Men I want to complete but I need a break from them first; it's been a tougher challenge than I thought.

I love working with paint and experimenting, hence my 'messy' style. I'm trying to discipline myself to stop when I get to a certain stage with a kit; call it a day and move on. Otherwise I can just keep fiddling forever . . . :D

LG_MM_01.jpg LG_MM_02.jpgLG_MM_03.jpg
Excellent work David. I've done several versions of this one and see that you have done an excellent job with yours. Which other MM kits this size do you have?
Ok I have to ask what the hell is that on his head ? Rest of the figure looks fantastic both the sculpt and your paint but that hat I dunno

Ok I have to ask what the hell is that on his head ? Rest of the figure looks fantastic both the sculpt and your paint but that hat I dunno

Ha ha! Yes, it's meant to be a bobcat, I think. Maybe looks more moggie-like in my photos.:LOL:
Ah ok mate,it's an odd looking thing for sure! I didn't mean your painting of it,just the actual thing
Excellent work David. I've done several versions of this one and see that you have done an excellent job with yours. Which other MM kits this size do you have?

Thanks for the compliment, Guy. I have about 15 LG kits (as you know, I am a bit of a fan) including 2 more mountain men - 'Running' and 'Praying. Most are western/ indian except for the Samurai. I've also got some of the weird little SF figures he did - Beetleman, Space Queen etc

(This is the first LG kit I've actually built though ;) )

Not sure of the exact sizes without checking but I know quite a lot of them are large scale (i.e 200 mm); the Mounted Indian probably being the largest.

Might have a crack at an indian figure next time, possibly 'Western Apache' . . .
"It takes two painters to paint a who paints it, the other who tells him when to quit" From a wise, art school instructor I had.
Just like Steve the THING !! on his head has me wondering just what the scultor was drinking or smoking at the time? it looks like one of the Queens Corgies !! but that aside sir your painting on this is suburbe , I wish I could get that colour on buckskin , is there any chance you can share your colour mix for this shade of buckskin .
Just like Steve the THING !! on his head has me wondering just what the scultor was drinking or smoking at the time? it looks like one of the Queens Corgies !! but that aside sir your painting on this is suburbe , I wish I could get that colour on buckskin , is there any chance you can share your colour mix for this shade of buckskin .
You are too kind, sir. As for my buckskin, it's all acrylics; I used a base of AV Model Air Light Brown and Panzer Dark Brown, lightened up with some cheap hobby Almond paint.
I also did a lot of shading and washing with diluted Sepia ink - which is a habit of mine. I like the slightly antique effect you get with it.
Thanks for all the feedback, guys. It's appreciated.

For anybody interested, I've been e-mailing the man who currently owns the LG moulds and masters - sadly in a poor state.
I hope to get him to post something here on the subject, or give me permission to pass on some of the interesting stuff he's told me.
That would be nice, its one I missed in my gray army. I always liked the Little General Kits, specially the mountain men.
your job is very good.
As promised, here is a message that originally appeared on the Fine Scale Modeller Forum in 2007

"My name is Toby Barrett and I own and operate Thoroughbred Figures at

I used to work for Ron Hinote many years ago and knew him when I lived in the Leavenworth, KS area. Ron lived and worked out of his house in Kansas City.

A few years ago I acquired the copyrights to Ron's collection of Little Generals masters, prototype molds and production molds and have them here in Portsmouth, VA. All three areas of Ron's work listed above is in various stages of condition. Some of the masters are OK, most of the prototype molds are semi-serviceable, but many of the production molds are long burned out. It is my longterm goal to bring back as many as I can of Ron's figures. (Please note none of the items Ron did for Franklin mint, Danbury mint or some other special projects he did for other companies are in this grouping that I now have.) But it's going to be a labor of love and will probably take me a long time to have any reissued in any kind of numbers. Currently I'm sampling some of the molds and surveying what has to be done in order to resurrect most of the figures. Some, sadly, may never see the marketplace again as the master is too far gone or damaged. Some of these may be able to be brought back by recasting some from the prototype molds and making new production molds in vulcanized rubber.

Ron died a few years ago and the collection was in the hands of two other individuals before me. Most of the time the collection of items was in storage in several being in the wilds of the Ozarks in an unconditioned/unheated trailer. Many of the figures were reissued by an individual in Missourri who really didn't know what he was doing --- to put it as politely as I can. He used a very cheap casting metal and was unable to resurrect the masters properly in order to put quality kits out there again as is my plan.

Contact me thru my web site if you have any knawing questions and I'll try to be as helpful as I can. In the least you can make yourself a note to check my web site starting this fall to see if I've been able to release some of Ron's figures in kit format. All I can promise is that anything I'm able to resurrect and 'put out there' again will be as best quality as my molding and casting skills can achieve.
Best Regards, Toby Barrett"

I wrote to Toby Barrett recently and received a friendly and informative response, part of which is below:

"Two things happened soon after I wrote that 2007 response - I have some recall that it was in answer to someone on that forum about the Little Generals. First the economy tanked pretty much worldwide, but the second event put the brakes on any plans to widely market the figures again and that was the huge jump in alloy prices. What used to cost about $3.50 USD per pound jumped to over $15 and briefly touched $16 a little over a year ago. Years ago I took some finished ACW figures of Ron's to the MFCA show and only had one inquiry about offering one of them as a kit. I also put some on Ebay and the results were less than promising. This is obviously a niche production line of figures and the niche market must be sought out in the right way I guess.

The molds and resulting figures vary in condition. Some will never see the light of day again as resurrecting a new figure from the master thru the prototyping and production would not be cost effective for some of the more obscure titles Ron did.

If anyone is looking for anything in particular they should probably contact me direct with their questions/wants and we can possibly move on from there.

Toby Barrett Thoroughbred Figures 757-686-1048"

Seems that obtaining a particular kit, depending which one, may not be completely out of the question if you contacted Toby Barrett
Little Generals Catalogue

For anyone interested:

I've scanned a copy of the LG catalogue from the 80's and added a few photos and bits and pieces. The result is a 32 page PDF file (28 meg) which you should be able to download here:

This is the new Google drive so I'd be interested to know if it works - do drop me a line if you are able to download it successfully.
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The file exceeds the maximum size that we scan. Download anyway
but it does download and IS virus free (y)
Shame they have gone OOP I'd love to get hold of the Cherokee Sgt
