thanx guys for the welcome!!!!
We can postpone all the time our hobby with silly excuses(i dont have time,i'm tired,i dont have the material etc.etc bla.bla bla).
At least thats what i was doing till now ,i was cheking the site every day and my apetite was going bigger and bigger watcing all of you guys and your masterpieces !!!!!!
SO no more excuses lets get our head down and do some modelling
i'm starting a project in 1/16 (a sniper team ) and the first thing to do before starting the actuall figure was to aquire a sniper rifle......

they dont exist in 1/16 ,so i got to built it in scratch.i took a Kar98 german rifle and chopped it alot and im almost done trasforming it in to a Remington 700 sniper rifle.
today i was about to post photos but something is rong with my camera

so when i repare it i'll post photos of my conversion.
thanx bro ,thanx costas (great admirer of your work not only from here but from your articles in the model expert magazine also) and thanx Tonydawe for your help so far.
cheers till my next post i hope with photos