Looking for a 75mm dead Roman


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May 10, 2005
Anyone have a suggestion as to what I might use for a 75mm dead Roman? I hate to cut up a beautiful $50 figure for a face down corpse. Does anyone make an inexpensive nude academy figure I could adapt? If anyone has an old failure of a paint job or badly molded piece in their GA they could sell, lmk. Does anyone make loose 75mm Roman accessories like helmets? Thanks in advance for advice!
Matt, you can get a 75mm Pegaso Academy figure from Historex Agents in the UK at a reasonable price.
You'd still have a lot of work to do of course, but if he's lying on his front and wearing a cloak, then that cuts it down a bit.

Academy Figure.png
Scale 75 do some helmets in that scale. You can also try looking on ebay for 75mm academy figures as there are a few companies do them. We have member of PF in Russia called Silver Dream who produces the best weapons sets I have ever seen, but they are not cheap. But the quality is so high, they'll outlive all of us.
If you have a Head, and a pair of suitable legs from the knees down, why not "cover" him with a cloak, and use milliput under it to suggest the body shape. I know it's the cheats way out, but it solves the problem. Ray
Thanks all! I decided to go with a scale 75 mannequin and accessory set. Let's see how I do :)