Looking for Fallschirmjager


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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2010
Hi Planeters,

In some PF threads the figure of German Fallschirmjager in 1/9 scale appears – it is commonly called “John Rosengrant’s Fallschirmjager figure that has been never released”.
Here is one of the threads showing this figure [LINK] – I mean the one in the foreground, handling FG42 in raised position.

Can anyone know where it is possible to get this figure – some threads mention the eBay seller who has been offering it, but this threads are old and given listings links don’t work, so I can't even check the seller's name.

Check first

Some guys sell these does so without the box. Usually a surefire sign of a copy. Check first if you see one that it is the genuine Warriors kit.
About once a year the genuine figure comes up on Ebay so you need to be patient.
I have the original fg42 figure and sorry I ain't selling him.Lol.
Hi Grant,

Thanks for your feedback, however from what I found out the figure I’m looking for has been never officially released by any company. It was sculpted by John Rosengrant for Kirin or Dragon but never launched to the market.
The second Fallschirmjager, shown in the thread I provided as an example, was produced by Warriors indeed (kit no. 9024) – the one in the background with StG44 and net on the helmet, so it is probably the one you have. And you are right that the recast of this figure is currently available on eBay.


Hello there,
It's definitely the FG 42 guy I have. I had the stug 44 guy also but it was a rather inferior copy not an original. I got the Fg 42 guy on Ebay it's extremely well cast and the lovely yellow resin that is just like the Warriors kits are made from. Keep looking, hopefully you'l find him soon.

Hi Grant,

Do you remember the seller's name? If yes I'll be grateful for this info - there is a chance that he may still have this kits.

Smaller brother :)

Hi Lionel,

This smaller one by Jeff Shiu is on my purchase list too, but in a later time.

A eBayer from U.S. have sold John's both figures(MG42 guy and fallschirmjager) for Kirin on eBay at least a dozen times. I'm not sured he is a copier or not because haven't bought from him yet. Maybe you can send him a mail ask for details, recently he sell some Jeff Shiu fallschirmjager and K59 150mm S.S. grenadier. Cannot find a orginal packing photo from his posting. So be careful! His eBay ID - marietta.321
Hi guys if anyone manages to find these figures can you please let me know i am looking for both roy.
Recasts I think

I take it as a rule that if people don't have the company box for an unmade kit then it is most likely a recast which will be nothing like the real deal.
That's not always the case, I at one time had a mini army of Kirin kits, 1st generation masters. I have sold off most of them over the years and I had no boxes for any of them.
Did I happen to mention that I was part of the Kirin design team? I got most of the casting from another employee.
Figure's story


From what I know you’ve been working with John Rosengrant – could you suggest a good source from to get the Fallschirmjager I mentioned?

There is the second issue I personally find interesting and maybe other members too – the figure’s story.
There were some discussions on PF, mostly suppositions about: company the figure was prepared for, why it was never released, etc… Can you tell us the true story?


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