Hello, John.
Thank you very much for your kind comment.
A ground work uses pate and a real stone.
Paint uses VALLEJO.
This paint isn't used for a figure.
Hello, Guy.
Thank you very much for your kind comment.
This figure is a metal, but I'm thinking I want a resin to put it again.
I think to it is easier to make, and it becomes reasonable.
Very nice...you managed to get a very good expression on this figure's face. I really like it. He recently joined my gray army, your interpretatoin is inspirational!
Hello, Ray.
Thank you very much for your kind comment.
I'm very glad about a point that a title plate attaches for me.
It doesn't seem to attach about a resin figure of 90mm.
Hello, John.
Thank you very much for your kind comment.
Processing has been added to a picture only a little in case of me, so I think how to be seen is different from the real thing.
The real thing looks quite flashy in case of me.
Hello, AJLaFleche.
Thank you very much for your kind comment.
When a face was this figure since being concerned, I was very easy to apply.
The price is also reasonable and I'd like to recommend.
Hello, Rob.
Thank you very much for your kind comment.
I'm going to have been particular about the feel of a material of the trench coat in particular.
I'm happy because you like it.
Hello, Marcel.
Thank you very much for your kind comment.
You can like it, and I'm honor.
The next work has not been decided, but I'd like to paint a new figure by and by.