Very nice Paul, like allot. Also I have the chance to visit your web site, very nice too, great figures. I see you like bicycling; I am also a big amateur of road bike. Best regards
Hi Rodrigo,
thanks' for your kindness,glad you like the bust,its a nice sculpt.
Thanks for your comments on the web site, very few do...I think better pitures would help a lot more. I keep looking at a new camera but my word they are so dear for a good one,but a must at some point.
Cycling I realy do enjoy it in the right weather,at the moment I'm finding it hard to find the time,job and life get in the way.
Thanks for looking at this project.
Best Regards
Hi All,
and cheers Carl,slow but sure matey.
Here's a front and rear of him, he's nearly done bar a few tweeks.
As always thanks' for looking.
Best Regards