Dan Morton
A Fixture
Photos of both Vickers and Lewis gun crews from all periods of the war...
11th MG company section.jpg65.8 KB
Guards MG private 1918.jpg93.8 KB
Lewis gun aiming from trench cover.jpg148.3 KB
Lewis gun section going forward through communication trench.jpg51.8 KB
Lewis-ammo-container-1.jpg262.6 KB
Lewis-ammo-container-2.jpg108.8 KB
Lewis-ammo-container-3.jpg194.3 KB
Lewis-ammo-containers-1.jpg58.2 KB
Lewis-Gun-team-wearing-rubber-waders.jpg59.2 KB
Machine Gun position at Paeschendaele.jpg28.2 KB
Machine gunners billhook.jpg96.5 KB
MG Corps section 1.jpg150 KB
MGun Corps section 2.jpg171.5 KB
Motor Machine Gun Officer, Staff Captain LeRossignol.jpg89.5 KB
Vickers crew in ph masks 1916.jpg33.8 KB
Vickers team.jpg163.9 KB
Vickers-crew.jpg11.9 KB
Vickers-crew-2.jpg35.2 KB
Vickers-MG-crew.jpg17.1 KB
Vickers-MG-crew-in-gas-masks.jpg28.4 KB
Vickers-MG-crew-with-cart.jpg42.8 KB
Vickers-doing-AA-fire.jpg36.3 KB