Since I have a little dream about my own line of figures called:
'K98 : the widowmaker' ( knowing I desperately therefore need to sculpt my own K 98's...) and the fact I simply love painting on resin...
...I gave it already a little thought how Major König would end up in my silicon.
It's not so bad thinking about reproduction and what could go wrong with your figure.
let's see...
don't be scared, I just cut the arms loose, simply because it's impossible to cast this torso with the arms attached.
This is ( for me at least as a homecaster...) mainly due to the fact the torso is accompanied with two arms that are lower.
When upside down, the arms are higher and it will be hard to fill the mall adequately with the resin ( fear some inclusion of air )
still attachable, what do I say,...great fitting!
So,..may look again like a silly update ...for me it's not.
Learning how to make my own casts costed me a lot of rubber!