Making Glasses


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PlanetFigure Supporter
May 10, 2005
Hello all-

I'm thinking about trying a portrait bust of my grandfather who was a doctor in the mighty 8th Air Force during WWII. He wore glasses, so I'm wondering, does anyone have any tips on constructing them? If it comes out OK I'll probably make casts for family members so the frames would have to be reasonably reproducible... I also wonder about the lenses. Is it best just to leave them out, or has anyone found a suitable clear material?

What scale would you prefer? There are some nice photo-etch offerings in 120mm, and 54mm.
In that case, I'd use wire. 18 gauge copper or brass would work I think depending on the size of frame desired. Make your loops by wrapping the wire around a rod or tube the appropriate size then cut perpindicular to the "coil" you have formed. This will yield a number of rings. Some other bits of the same wire can be used for the nosepiece and the bows. If you're skilled with a soldering iron I'd assemble the pieces that way. If not, I'd use JB quik or a five minute epoxy. The lenses will likely have to be punched out of some clear plastic. This is how I would approach it. Good luck and show us your progress.
Do as John suggested. But if youre about to make a few a would do some kind of jig for them.

Instead of punching discs you could try using Humbrol Clearfix. Put some amount on and when it starts to harden a bit you could stetch it to make the small window.
Aircraftfellows uses this method quite a lot.

Hey Janne, Is the Humbrol Clearfix anything like Floquil's Crystal-Cote? If so, I bet what you're suggesting would work like a charm.

BTW, it was good to meet you at WE. I loved your box-dio.
Hi, as Uruk Hai said: ClearFix is the best solution to make small glasses. It is like liquid plastic.
For example I did those gogles:

using ClearFix - note that it was even possible to simulate broken glas (right corner). It is fast and effective way to make figures' glasses.

Regards, Piotr
Microscale Kristal Klear. It has instructions for making tiny windows printed right on the bottle. Got mine at a local hobby shop in the model car department. Here's an interesting link.
Just a suggestion but if you had an old airplane kit you could take the plastic that is made for the cockpit glass.

Cheers :)