Male Bust Mannequin - Centauro-Line Review


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
Male Mannequin - Bust
Item #0001-1/10th
2 parts
Sculpted by Ulrich Puchala

Male 01.JPG

I got this bust mannequin a couple of days ago and upon opening the box was quite impressed as to the detail and proportion of the bust.

Male 02.JPG

The bust mannequin comes in two parts. The actual bust and the plinth support base, also in resin.

Male 03.JPG Male 04.JPG

Male 05.JPG Male 06.JPG

Above you see the four sides of the bust mannequin showing Ulrich Puchala's attention to facial detail and physical anatomy. There is a small mold block on the bottom of each arm as well as the bottom of the chest (removed for review purposes).

Male 09.JPG

Above you see the bust sitting on the plinth support to get an idea of the total presentation.

Male 10.JPG

The resin plinth has a thin mold block on the bottom easily sanded smooth with sand paper.

Additional photographs

Male 12.jpg

Male 11.jpg Male 13.jpg

Centauro-Line Miniatures web-site
click here
