Review Man at Arms from Legion Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon

Legion continue to add figures 2 which were announced here

and I looked at the first here:

This time we will look at the second in the announcement

legion AA.jpg
Here we have some pictures from the website :​


Depicting a armoured man at arms with full armour on the upper body and half armour on the legs , with a visored sallet, armed with a falchion sword a "bollock" style dagger and a lethal pole axe
Sculpted with him leaning on the pole axe left leg forward with the option of the visor being either positioned up or down

Lets have a few references




Books are plenty here are a few , all giving a good insight into the medieval period

This is a extremely good magazine that covers all of the period in the medieval world​


Continued in next post

As normal with Legion parts were in a laser cut box with the resin in bags between foam layers , on the top and sides pictures of the unpainted piece

Legion MAN AT ARMS 002.jpgLegion MAN AT ARMS 001.jpg000000.jpg

Details of the release :

Title: Man at Arms XV c.

Reference: LMM 90-008

Scale: 90mm

No of pieces: 19

Material: Medium Gray resin

Sculptor: Andrey Bleskin

Casting: In house

Box Art: N/A on Review box

Parts consist of Torso, legs x 2, arms x 2. head 4 pieces of armour , large haversack , refreshment canteen, sword, dagger, poleaxe and a base

There are 2 small pieces which are the tiny handles that fit into the smaller scabbard on the dagger , you can see these just below the round canteen ( you just use one )

Legion MAN AT ARMS 003.jpg


  • As with the longbowman this is minimal consisting of removal of small casting posts and removing parts from formers
  • The legs fit together in the same way as the longbowman with the torso the same
  • You will need to fit in place various pieces of armour ......around the waist both front and back , fit the circular pieces at the armpits
  • Decide on the visor position
  • Fit in place canteen and haversack as well as sword and dagger ( after fitting one of the tiny handles )
I will look at the items that make up the main figure in this part


The lower edge is inset and rounded fitting nicely into the cutout when the legs are together

Locating areas for arm and head are deeply inset making fitment easy , a flurry of putty is needed ..but only a tiny amount

Wearing full armour with the breast plate having a shaped lower central part front and back known as a Plackart , good edging on this with accurate strap work that holds the pieces together , this is evident front and back , around the waist the belt end is held in position winding its way under and over

The neck armour or gorget is well cast and a good style as seen in the reference pics , your given a very well prepared area that the head will fit into

There are location cut outs for the haversack at the rear and the dagger at the side

Legion MAN AT ARMS 007.jpgLegion MAN AT ARMS 004.jpgLegion MAN AT ARMS 006.jpgLegion MAN AT ARMS 005.jpg


These fit together well and a tiny amount of putty is needed with the torso fitting into the resulting hole , he is wearing a padded doublet which peeks out from the lower edges onto his thighs

Wearing tied up trousers , as with the bowman the cords are hanging from underneath the trousers are a heavy material with good folds on both legs the armour consists of a Poleyn or knee guard with Fan plates at the side of knee these are heart shaped but fan shaped are also seen

Its now well known that a armoured man was not static as armour was sectioned allowing very flexible movement including handstands !!! the sectioning is well shown with the knee armour on both legs with the armour being pulled tightly into the trousers by well sculpted straps

Good to see that the armour is also pushing into the material at the edges

Wearing no greaves or armour for the lower leg or foot armour called Sabaton but a pair of high strong leather boots opened at the front for fitting which was then held by securing straps , there are 4 on each boot all nicely done

Legion MAN AT ARMS 010.jpgLegion MAN AT ARMS 009.jpgLegion MAN AT ARMS 011.jpgLegion MAN AT ARMS 008.jpg Legion MAN AT ARMS 012.jpg


Both of these are fully armored from the upper arm or Rerebrace to the forearm or Vambrace with elbow guards or Couter

Again the armour is held close to the material by well placed straps , the armour itself really displays how much movement could be done all the plates are individually defined very sharply

The left arm has no hand ( this being on the polearm ) , the right has a fully armoured sectioned gauntlet , the hand padding shows well on the palm

Fit of both presents no problem , you will need to fit the armpit rounded protection for this a locating hole is provided

Legion MAN AT ARMS 019.jpgLegion MAN AT ARMS 021.jpgLegion MAN AT ARMS 020.jpg

Legion MAN AT ARMS 017.jpgLegion MAN AT ARMS 018.jpg


This is sculpted wearing a shaped helmet that moulds itself to the head around the edges and over the neck
, the helmet is very well shaped with nice rosettes being added , at the sides there is alocating hole to position the visor

The neck is protected by a padded collar with a arming cap showing at the sides from under the helmet

The helmet is held securely in place by a chin strap the end of which slightly drops from the buckle

The facial features are excellent , a hardened veteran , good eye shaping with laughter , aging lines at the edges , with bags under the eyes , strong chin , looks like a broken nose in a side profile with a thick set of lips ...all of which make him look about early 40 in age

I would suggest you paint this separately before fitting

A tiny bit of filler needed to deal with the minute hole at the lip corner

Legion MAN AT ARMS 013.jpgLegion MAN AT ARMS 015.jpg

Legion MAN AT ARMS 016.jpgLegion MAN AT ARMS 014.jpg

Continued in next post

Now the remainder of the pieces

Armour pieces

For below the waist this consist of Fauld on which there are 2 Tassets that protect the thigh , the 2 pieces ( front and rear) fit well together below the waist , the rear has just the 3 sectioned pieces

Casting is cleanly done and with very good edge definition , again we see the belts being well done and when in place really looks the part

Legion MAN AT ARMS 023.jpgLegion MAN AT ARMS 027.jpgLegion MAN AT ARMS 024.jpg

The visor forms a full head protection when position down , I think its going to look really good up showing off that face well
The vision slit is very nicely done and and cleanly cast with only a hint of flashing , the rosettes are again in place at the locating point

Legion MAN AT ARMS 025.jpgLegion MAN AT ARMS 026.jpg

The Armpit protector are a good circular shaping and easy to position when the arms are in place

Legion MAN AT ARMS 022.jpg


Consisting of a sword or falchion , a bollock dagger , and a pole axe

The sword is in the scabbard the strapping winding its way around at the top , good undercuts above these at the chape a cross has been added , the actual handle has a shaped cross guard (Quillons) and handle with the cross being repeated on the pommel

The dagger is again in a scabbard but with a smaller scabbard added on the top ,you will need to add one of the tiny handles that are provided ( shown with dagger ) , both look good with the main dagger fitting easily into position

The pole axe is a dangerous looking weapon with a really good axe blade which has a shaped cutout into it ( reduces the weight for the soldier) , on the opposite edge a hammer ...again another weapon on the same pole .

The handle itself has rivets on the sides holding in a long metal bar to stop the pole being cut apart, at the lower end the grip is covered in leather or a heavy duty cloth with the threads that holds it together being well done

Below the axe itself there is the hand with the same care being shown on the armour , fit to the arm is no issue

Legion MAN AT ARMS 033.jpgLegion MAN AT ARMS 034.jpgLegion MAN AT ARMS 030.jpg

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Legion MAN AT ARMS 036.jpgLegion MAN AT ARMS 038.jpg

Haversack and Canteen

The haversack is a full bag held together by 2 separate ties that sit onto the surface , containing all the personal items and maybe a bit of plunder

Te canteen for water or maybe a fine wine or beer is a good shaping with the cord being cast around the edging

Both fit into pace with a little putty needed when meeting the strap/cord

Legion MAN AT ARMS 028.jpgLegion MAN AT ARMS 029.jpgLegion MAN AT ARMS 031.jpg


A simple textured base is provided with cutouts to fit the feet into , fine on its own but you might with to expand the base a little

Legion MAN AT ARMS 040.jpg

Final thoughts

A well engineered release which shows a soldier at rest , relaxing perhaps after a battle or just before , good casting in the armour and with a fine character face ...painting will be good with plenty of different surfaces to think about

Good scale and a good subject as well ...happy benchtime is assured


Contact details

Legion are members here ( user ID Andrey )
) you can order direct from him here on PF or via the website which is:

They also have a FB page:

Thanks to Legion for the review item

Cheers also to you all for looking in

Enjoy the modelling

Excellent review Kevin thank you.

That is probably one of the best Medieval soldiers (in any scale) I have ever seen. I love the relaxed and realistic pose on this piece.
