Our “Virtual” 59th Washington Show was a big success, and we appreciate everyone’s support. We had a great turnout online for our presentations on March 13. We ended up having over 400 entries and 100 entrants from at least 11 countries and the positive feedback from the participants and other modeling clubs has been tremendous. We gave out many gift certificates along with kits to both the category and special award winners, along with a closing raffle. Thanks to our sponsors for furnishing these and please give them your support by patronizing their businesses.
While It is far from ideal to assess work only through photographs and looked at this as more of an “exhibition” as opposed to a “competition”, all, including our judges took it in stride and everyone did the best we could. We were also impressed by the quality of photos submitted!
Our intent was to keep this simple and fun. We know it has been challenging to get together as a community and to support our hobby, and we could not have done this without the contribution of our participants, who provided great inspiration to all of us.
Photos of the entries and award winners are available on our website at
https://www.ncmssclub.org/annual-show and on our Facebook page:
As we have in the past and circumstances willing, we still plan to have an in-person event here in September at our last venue, the Springfield Hilton in Virginia. Please pencil in September 24 and 25 if you can attend.
The NCMSS Washington Show Team