[Mar 30, 2012] Lone Star Figure Show 2012 (Dallas, Texas)


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A Fixture
Aug 17, 2003
O'Fallon, Missouri
I'm very much looking forward to the show, Bill Horan's seminar and as well as the opportunity to watch Julio Cabos paint during Saturday, should be pretty awesome! Just wish I could take Julios painting workshop, but I'm very excited about the sculpting workshop I will be hosting, will be hours of fun and learning!

Hope to see many of you there!
Well? I'm looking at the show now and I "MAY" be able to attend. Not sure though....

$450 for round trip tickets. $200 for the room. God only knows how much in spending money...

I know I need to get off me a$$ and get back into shows but the cost is absoutely killing me now. Not any fault of the show organizers. Cost is cost and there simply is no other way around it. But NOTHING gets the "figure juices" flowing like a show will.

What to do, what to do........

Jim Patrick
Looking forward to next weekend, this will be my first real figure show. Really interested is seeing the work of some of the best artists around in person. I know my work isn't even close to that level but this will be a great chance to learn more.
Chris when you are at the show and see someones work you like or want to know how they did it don't be afraid to find and ask the creature !!! and I am sure they will share with you....
Dumb question of the day - I can't find an explanation at the lonestarfigureshow.com site - what is the difference between "painters" and "open"? I am relatively new to the world of figure contests, and trying to fill my forms out in advance, but I don't know which category to circle.

Thank you!
