Very good , thanks for explaining
Fantastic but 2 years later I will still be working on the left eye ( joking ) . On what size are you following those steps on a 1/12 bust ?
My grandson ( 13 years old ) who was willing to give a try at figurines saw that and was at the verge of quiting . To the beginner with a 54mm I say : paint head with Humbrol flesh , put white in eye
socket , put head upsidedown , use quill and indian Inks , sepia along uper lid , then black for the eyes, looking aside and not straight , and 1/3 is under the upperlid ,then a last tip of white ink . done . Then begin to work flesh with oils ...
and to have a first hint on what had to be lightened , paint all head brown oils, than wipe smoothly with sponge , what you see is now the place that you have to lighten up or darken down .
Use large round brush to blend ( like a lady using a blush brush )
This is simple and give to the very beginner a good impression of easyness.... not for long because he slowly will be wanting to to better and blend more , lighten more do this do that , use colored eyes , and adding, trying is hand to other colors, .. drybrushing with dry pastel to make the dust ... this and that BUT the first step is important .. It's a target that can be reached . And one years later he compete at the BMSS for the Gold
I will, for myself try, your technique on 90mm
Thanks again