Mastercon XIV


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Hola John,

The show was good, maybe not quite as good as last year but it was still another great mastercon event. Was a little weird for me to be around so many new people after being used to the same 5 guys 24/7 for the past 3 months!

Alex DeLeon pretty much cleaned up everything with several golds, best camo, best airplane, best of show to I believe. I know he had to re arrange his cruiser to fit it all in! Im sure he can tell you what all he got.

One thing that really stuck out was a 1/35th scale scratched submarine that was just awesome! Other pieces that stuck out was Greg Chilar (sp?) 1/16th diorama with a Tiger and a T-34 plus a bunch of figures. Someone also had a beautiful scratched 1/9th Sherman which was impressive as well!

Hopefully pics will show up soon!
I think the 1/9 Sherman belongs to the turret and M2 .50 cal we saw in Atlanta. If I don't miss my guess.
Yes John, it does. Built and painted by Andy Meyers. Sub built and painted by Mike McFadden. I hear he started out with a friggin 2x4! :eek:

Jim Patrick

Mastercon was great as usual. It is a wonderful show to go to not just to see some great work, but for the friends you will make there. I had a great time. Congrats to all the winners, and welcome back Anders (Great Viking).

In reference to Andy's Sherman... he had it shipped to VLS and the shippers dropped the box before arrival to the warehouse. The suspension and it seemed like everything else broke. He had to put it back together again, and still managed to make it to the show. My hats off to him for the effort and his great attitude about it.

The portions of that Sherman I saw were magnificent. Dropped it! What a nightmare. Congrats to Wencho for cleaning up. Sounds like a good time. I'll make it back someday. Labor Day weekend is usually a family weekend for me. Maybe next year.

I'm on the bubble about Chicago. Leaning toward attending at this point.
Oh Brandy.....the silent one who has COMPLETELY changed the format and timetable at Mastercon has spoken! :lol: ;) Great job, and if you remember (just in case you can't, I CAN!) just 2 almost 3 short years ago.........."I TOLD YA SO!". :lol:

See ya soon I hope,
Jim Patrick
Mastercon lived up to it's legacy, hob-knobbed with the gang although my visit was brief it was fun. Did a little diddy on sculpting bags, packs and woodgrain for an hour and then hung out with Anders for a bit. Got to meet Brandy, and chatted with Joe Hudson, Brett Avants, Bill Klingbell[sp?], Alex de Leon and others, too short but a great time. Rumor has it next years seminar may be longer ;)
Hello Again Mr. Gordy,

It was a pleasure to meet you. Yes... the seminars will be a little longer, or rather be able to run a little over without a problem. At the round table discussion it was brought up that the seminars seemed a little to close, so they will be adding a 30 minute space between the seminars. Also they are adding round table discussions for modelers of each practice. So if you want to just sit back and talk with other figure painters you can attend that session and learn from many people their tips and tricks in the hobby. I will be the mediator of the figure round table, so if anyone makes Mastercon next year it would be great to see you there.

Howdy Jim,

Missed you this year. Thanks for the reminder. I am just glad it helped out everyone there.


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