Hi Don, thank you very much for your comments. I appreciate you sending your comment to me.
Hi Pedro, thanks mate. I'm pleased you think the skin tones are realistic. That's what I was aiming for.
Hi Grant, thanks for your comments. I was pleased with the way the eyes turned out too. I used Mark Bennetes' tutorial on how to paint eyes and it worked beautifully.
Hi Guy, I'm sure that's a very long list you have mate. These Linjo busts are superb and every bit as good as Young Miniatures in terms of quality sculpting and clean casting. As they increase the size of their range of busts, I'm sure your list wiull get even longer.
G'day me ol' China Plate, you hit the nail on the head. A bit of a break has renewed my enthusiasm for my hobby and hopefully that shows in this bust. Thanks for taking the time to comment and I'm pleased you like my latest. I'm hoping to get started on the new Young Miniatures Roman Cavalry bust soon.