Medieval Bust,scale 1/10


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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2007
Hello everyone!
I'm glad to present you the photos of the medieval bust, a new release for the Andrea-Miniatures company.Like always I used milliput and the mixture between milliput and greenstuff.The mail-chain is made by SuperSculpey.Your comments are wellcome.






You have done a super job on the sculpting, so much character in the face and clothing. An Ace suclpt for sure!

Too bad all the castings seems to be in pretty bad condition. Have you heard anything from Andrea with regards to correcting this problem?
Paul, this is an absolutely stunning sculpt. My hat is off to you. It does however, prove that despite your fantastic efforts, the pictures of the casting do NOT do it justice! I'm waiting to see if Andrea takes action on these poorly cast samples before I buy.......but buy I CERTAINLY will. Still a stunning piece of work! Thanks for sharing!

Jay H.
I can only echo what Anders and Jay have said. I would like to add also that I really like the way the bust looks in the raw so to speak, the look of the epoxy has kind of a cool fantasy look
I looked forward to purchasing this bust from the first time I saw the Andrea Calendar, it is a superb sculpt, all due respect to you, it just seems the same respect for the sculpting was not fourth coming from Andrea. A true classic if it was allowed to be......

Great sculpting

Hi Paul,

Congratulations on sculpting one of the most beautiful busts ever seen on pF. :D

Judging from the huge response from figurists around the planet to the box art photos of this bust, you have created one of most popular and commercially appealing figure busts in recent memory.:D

If only the commercial version was as crisp and detailed as your master - and this is a true Master:) :) :) .

I'm sorry for you that the commercially version of your bust has been met with such poor reviews:(. I can assure you that it is certainly not your fault. You have every reason to be proud of this beauty.:D

Andrea Miniatures (I know you're reading this), look at this masterpiece - how dare you try to flog that not-so-cheap, poorly cast and nasty resin version of this superb bust to the figure modelling world.:mad: :mad: :mad:

If you don't have any respect for your customers, at least show some respect to Paul, this gifted sculptor, and re-cast his bust and re-release this kit when you've got it right.;)

You should then offer anyone who has bought the old kit a full refund or a completely new casting of this bust, at no cost (not even postage).:D

As someone who runs his own PR agency:eek: , I want to give Andrea some free PR advice. You guys need to take immediate action to sort this disaster out, or your company will go the same way as Seil.:(

None of us modellers want to spend good money on bad models:( , or on bad castings of good models:mad: . No one has money to waste on second rate crap.

If you want to keep our business, look after us (your customers;) ) and give us what we want, expect and deserve - all the parts, minimal lines and casting imperfections, clear instructions and/ or a painting guide.

Anything less from a firm like Andrea is simply unprofessional and poor business:confused: , and I will spend my money elsewhere;) .

Amazing sculpt for sure! I have this bust and I recommend it HIGHLY any problems for me about the casting, the tipical cast lines but you can easy fix this fith a xcto knife, sandpapper and a bit of putty. The resin and metal parts looks cool for me :)
Dear Paul, this is probably the most vivid and realistic and unsual bust I ever seen ! Congratulations ! Of course I have already ordered it from my local shop.
The master looks really good. Its a shame that Andrea botched the castings. No justice there.

I'm with everyone else. I think this bust has the most character and personality of sculpt that I've seen at this scale. I really like the mail and his face just conveys grizzled vet. I canceled my original order of this after seeing the pics of what was being produced. Maybe if another company picks it up or Andrea fixes the problem I'll order again.
As has been said above this is a fantastic piece of sculpting, and an instant classic.

The best compliment I can pay to you is that I bought the piece, crappy casting, seams and all, knowing full well what I was getting into and the work needed to correct all the problems that should not be there. I like your piece that much!

It's the only thing I have bought from Andrea in the last three years, due to past problems, and I'm not likely to buy from them again until they clean up (pun intended!) their act.

Thank you for for your brilliant work.
Hello everybody!Thanks for your very nice words you've put here.That encourages me to go further,so your opinions means a lot generally and particulary.I just can say that another bust is on the way and the artistic departements of Andrea are very proud of them,too.
On the other hand,sorry for the bad copies!This is not my business,but I can assure you that it was just a mistake.The problems are already solved out and another wave of very good copies are comming out on the market!
Thank you again,
And best regards,
Thanks Paul for keeping us up-dated on this situation. I really look forward to getting a copy once the bugs are worked out.
I think you should sell your masters to Pegaso.
Also as you said a new batch of better castings are coming out.
Does that mean that Andrea are now going to replace all the crap ones
already sold?I think they should.
I won't buy their prodoucts until they do
Hi Paul, first of all I want to thank you for this briliant bust, I am still waiting for it, and can´t wait to start to paint it.
One question, your next bust will be from the era of middle ages,too? as this is my favourite era.

best regards,