Hi Paul,
Congratulations on sculpting one of the most beautiful busts ever seen on pF.
Judging from the huge response from figurists around the planet to the box art photos of this bust, you have created one of most popular and commercially appealing figure busts in recent memory.
If only the commercial version was as crisp and detailed as your master - and this is a true Master
I'm sorry for you that the commercially version of your bust has been met with such poor reviews
. I can assure you that it is certainly not your fault. You have every reason to be proud of this beauty.
Andrea Miniatures (I know you're reading this), look at this masterpiece - how dare you try to flog that not-so-cheap, poorly cast and nasty resin version of this superb bust to the figure modelling world.
If you don't have any respect for your customers, at least show some respect to Paul, this gifted sculptor, and re-cast his bust and re-release this kit when you've got it right.
You should then offer anyone who has bought the old kit a full refund or a completely new casting of this bust, at no cost (not even postage).
As someone who runs his own PR agency
, I want to give Andrea some free PR advice. You guys need to take immediate action to sort this disaster out, or your company will go the same way as Seil.
None of us modellers want to spend good money on bad models
, or on bad castings of good models
. No one has money to waste on second rate crap.
If you want to keep our business, look after us (your customers
) and give us what we want, expect and deserve - all the parts, minimal lines and casting imperfections, clear instructions and/ or a painting guide.
Anything less from a firm like Andrea is simply unprofessional and poor business
, and I will spend my money elsewhere