Lighting woes.....
I know that I am probably overdoing this lighting business as there probably is an easier way!Problem is, that I am trying to design a system that is easily maintained ,with everyday components ,once I send it to the museum.Yesterday I spent all day hooking up 2 lighting boxes together ,through another box ,so that they are independent from one another and will not all go out if one goes U/S.
I know that this is pretty basic stuff but it does require a lot of scratchbuilding of components to make it all accessible.When finished you should be able to change a bulb or a complete fixture by simply removing the dioramas roof.Well thats the plan anyway..........I have revised the carpenters shop lighting to 3 units which seems to be enough.
It has been said that the difference between a "pilot" and an "aviator" is that a pilot is a technician,and an aviator is an artist in love with flight.
JohnReid (Aviator)
Guide my hand in your work today.
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Night Pics Carpenters Shop
Here is one of a series of pics that I took using just the lighting from the three fixtures in the roof of the shop.(others in my Photobucket)
This pic was taken though the interior window in the main hangar.The open window leads to the soon to be installed office module.
It has been said that the difference between a "pilot" and an "aviator" is that a pilot is a technician,and an aviator is an artist in love with flight.
JohnReid (Aviator)
Guide my hand in your work today.
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Outdoor light assembly
This is a light design that I came up with today consisting of a length of copper tubing flared at the end.The shade is an old aluminium cigar tube top.The other parts are similar to the main hangars light assemblies.
The bulbs in those days were large and generally left uncovered by a shade.
It has been said that the difference between a "pilot" and an "aviator" is that a pilot is a technician,and an aviator is an artist in love with flight.
JohnReid (Aviator)
Guide my hand in your work today.
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