Making Barn siding , antique flooring or old ramp areas.
These are the steps that I follow when making old barn siding or weathered flooring.
-starting with a doctors tongue depressor which I believe is birchwood,I cut the ends off square.
-now taking the raw wood, paint on two thin coat of acrylic nimbus grey mixed with a bit of raw umber,letting the grain of the underlying wood show through.If the wood warps too much you can use some weights to hold it flat as it dries.
-taking a large needle poke holes in the board in a pattern you require.
-take a HB pencil and twist a little graphite into each hole.
-fill each holes with a small drop of very watery raw umber to swell the wood back level again.
-take an old toothbrush and flick on some of the watery raw umber.
-put a small drop of watery burnt sienna for the rusty nail look.Drag a little of the burnt sienna down the board ,here and there for effect.
-the second picture shows how pastels can be used to soften down the whole thing.