This is one of the best things Liebovitz has done in years! Beautiful!
I like the proportions on this one much better than the vast majority of Metal Modeles figures. I still think that the best pieces done by Liebovitz were the early pieces he did for Le Cimier. The two I painted way back when were the Le Cimier Murat and Lasalle. Awesome! The reason I loved them so much is because these figures had such nice, elegant proportions. The limbs and torsos were on the thin side and gave those models a beauty which he has never surpassed.
When he started Metal Modeles, his figures became much more squat looking with thick limbs. Despite the masterful sculpting and deatil work, they lack the elegant and graceful look of his earlier works. It is my hope that this beautiful figure represents the return of the beautiful graceful look of his early works.
One can only hope! Those early works are, to my mind, some of the most beautiful miniatures ever produced! This figure fits in with the best of them.