Metal Models


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
Planet member Ivo Preda has sent me an email with photos of Metal Models new release:

Marshal Nicolas Jean de Soult
54mm white metal
sculpted by Bruno Leibowitz

Thanks Ivo
Beautiful piece indeed. I was expecting the new Metal Modeles releases and this one really got me excited. As a fan of MM, this one will be added for sure in my grey army.

This figure is not yet for sale but will be "offered" to each competitor at the "Championnats du Sud" this week-end in Blagnac (France).
Why don't you all come and visit us ? :lol:
Last year we offered Lejeune and a special category is created this year for all the baron lejeune figures. A little bit like the St Vincent Spécial Trophy.
Even if you do not care for Napoleonics, you can't help but appreciate the amount of detail worked into that figure.~Gary
Well is surely a nice figure . Especially for the Napoleonomaniacs like Kisifer!!!!

As for the St Vincent Trophy this year the idea was abandonded as all entries got a wooden base for present and not a figure. I guess next year i shall paint and make ground work on the base topresent it in the trophee category ? Well that would be much of my pleasure !!!!!! Just kidding Ivo !!!
;) be sure, I will prepare a special theme for the base... for next Saint Vincent.
We will have a competition based on that base... open your mind and try to imagine something!!!

Ivo :)
This is one of the best things Liebovitz has done in years! Beautiful!

I like the proportions on this one much better than the vast majority of Metal Modeles figures. I still think that the best pieces done by Liebovitz were the early pieces he did for Le Cimier. The two I painted way back when were the Le Cimier Murat and Lasalle. Awesome! The reason I loved them so much is because these figures had such nice, elegant proportions. The limbs and torsos were on the thin side and gave those models a beauty which he has never surpassed.

When he started Metal Modeles, his figures became much more squat looking with thick limbs. Despite the masterful sculpting and deatil work, they lack the elegant and graceful look of his earlier works. It is my hope that this beautiful figure represents the return of the beautiful graceful look of his early works.

One can only hope! Those early works are, to my mind, some of the most beautiful miniatures ever produced! This figure fits in with the best of them.

I totally agree with you Mike. I hope that this figure will be available commercially. Anyone has any idea if that will become true?

Don't worry (be happy) it will be available commercially this month or on january 2006 ... I'm totally agree whith you Mike, it's a real masterpiece from Bruno Leibovitz !

I totally agrree with you Mike re. MM proportions. I'm not a fan of the foot figures - interestingly the mounted efforts I've seen don't have the same issues. In fact some of the Le Cimier pieces suffered from the same problem. That being said I agree that this is a great figure. I hope he is going back to doing more Napoleonic personalities as that is what he does best. The world has enough generic Napoleonic figures of "privates" and "officers" of this regiment and that regiment.

I'll be getting this figure for sure! I bet a rather recent convert to "flesh painting with acrylics" will be getting this one as well ;) :lol: .

Jim Patrick
;) It’s a long time that I posted the picture of the unpainted figure… at least I finished to paint the figure. It was an hard figure to paint but rich of satisfaction, I’m also going to write an article on step by step probably for the French magazine Figurines.
Figure was painted in acrylics ( blue tone) and oils. Gold laces and decorations needs a special attention specially for the gold on white on the trousers and I must confess I’m not completely satisfied of the result.
I didn’t put it on his final base yet but it will be ready for Lyon show next 10 February. I hope to meet some of you there. :)



I have ordered this excellent figure and I can't wait to get my hands on it. I'm preparing a review for this one... so as soon as I get it.. you will see it.


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