Michael Roberts Ltd upcoming release


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A Fixture
Dec 29, 2003
Philadelphia, PA.
/Michael Roberts

10th Hussars
Sculpted by Maurice Corey


Now that's a really nice figure indeed. If it was 54mm and metal i would buy it 100%. Sorry but i hate 120mm and resin hehehehehe.

It's great to see this figure back in circulation again. I've always liked it but missed out on it in the nineties when it was originally out. I'll be after this one.
Great figure I already painted one several years ago (as Roll call) for my parents, and I'm willing to paint a new this time for me.

Has Michael Roberts acquired more ex-Roll Call figures?
Originally posted by jasonballamy@Aug 27 2005, 01:03 PM
Have MR bought the moulds as that's an old Roll Call figure?

It was originally a Roll Call figure and The Lost Battalion sold the master to Michael Roberts Ltd.
Last year I looked desperate for this reference of Roll Call and the Frank's nice shop obtained one for me in Aosta... Well already now it will not be so exclusive....


The figure was originally a Roll Call piece. Dreamcather bought it and it was in turn sold to The Lost Bn. I've recently bought it from The Lost Bn. We may purchase a few more of the Roll Call pieces over time. I got this one first as it has always been my favorite.

Mike Stelzel
Michael Roberts Ltd
Mr. Roberts,

it's good to know that you'll be acquiring some ex-Roll Call moulds.

Is't to bold to ask if the futures acquisitions may include some of the XIX's second-half figures that Roll Call had?

I already have the Crimean Grenadier holdingthe flag and I'm going the buy me (again) this British Officer in Sudan to add it to my collection.

Do you have a dealer here in Portugal, or where in Europe can I acquire your figures?

Hey Mike,

Do you have any plans to aquire the mounted Roll Call figures??? I sure would like to see the 17th Lancer & Scots Grey figures again

I agree with Noel. These are some I'd particularly love to get hold of. Also love the old Roll Call late Victorian figures as well

here's hoping..........
Thanks everyone for your inquiries. No decision has been made regarding the number or type of Roll Call kits that we may acquire in the future. Right now we are just wanting to see what type of market exisits for these kits. If the first one does well we will plan on more releases. Thanks for your input and I will keep all this in mind.

At present I am working with some one named Nuno Albano [email protected] in Portugal. We are in he process of sending him an order of our kits. The Hussar isn't on the order but you can order it directly from me through our website michael-robertsltd.com