Great first name

Is a very realistic face without a shadow of a doubt. I am very curious to see how the work goes on.
Yep as you know mate always looking for suitable names to help give sense of personality & connection. Search of French WW1 Officers turned this one up.
Will share him later when he’s done mate.
Great start Mike. Love the face, great depth and realism. Look forward to seeing more.
Hi Neal, thank you for kind comments.
Hoping he’ll come together as I envisage him.
Nice to work on bigger scale, allows a little more detail to be attempted.
Always did like that distinctive style of yours Mike. Lovely

Hi Joe, always grateful for your support & have admired your projects in recent times mate. Keep ‘em coming.
Now, that sounds most interesting. We're all ears... Cheers
PS: What you achieve at that scale has always been a miracle for me. I'm also all eyes!
Hi Karl, appreciate feedback & interest mate.
Book is a big goal for this year, with a few more projects to complete before I try & convey my approach in a way that is helpful to others. Contributions & comments received here help give me a sense of what maybe of value. It will be a demanding task, so I hope I can deliver something practical to encourage others’ learning & practice of the hobby with specific emphasis on Allies of WW1.
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