Mike French 120mm Zulu Range


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We have been chasing this range for some time without any luck. We have contacted a number of individuals suggested to us as possible owners but all were incorrect. So we continue to look. However, the current person suggested to us is a person who, if it is true, is hardly ever going to release the range for future use and is a rich and avid collector! But we will continue trying and will let you know if we have any luck!
Good Luck with this quest Jackie.
If you do get your hands on these moulds I am sure they will be winners for you. I had a look at my 'still boxed' 200mm Trevor Howard as Lord Cardigan the other day.......it still hold is own against todays pieces.
All the very best,
Hi All
Today I have spoken with Mike and he thanks everyone for their kind words and interest.

Mike has sold all his molds and rights some years ago, and has lost touch with the purchaser. It would seem that the buyer wanted them for his own use as he has never issued any commercially.

I had not spoken to Mike for some time and I was surprised to learn that he recently took retirement He tells me that he is enjoying his freedom and he asked me to pass on his good wishes.

Just in case Mike is interested in any additional retirement income, we would be happy to discuss any odd figure he may wish to sculpt! Cheeky I know but, as they say, if you don't ask.....!
I don't know why Foxwood is trying to expand their range when they don't release what they already have. If there are any Mike French 120mm or 90mm moulds still available, it would be nice for them to be obtained by a company that will actually produce and market them.

Hello Mike,
We are sorry to hear you say this Mike. We have told you on a number of occasions that we have a steady demand from direct customers that keeps us busy. It is quite natural for model businesses like ours to concentrate on figures that customers want. Inevitably this means that some of our range - such as the Roman busts that you provided new stands for - are not always in continuous production because we have a greater demand for other figures in our range. The time will come when we will cast and market these again.....just not at the moment.
I have yet to see a single advertisement or list of your figures and busts. If customers don't know what you stock, how do they know what you have on offer, or do you just sell to a select few, rather than to the modelling community as a whole?

Hello Mike,
We have discussed our business position with you on numerous occassions and our business strategy is, frankly, our business and not yours. But we have set out on this forum our marketing stategem when we launched the business a few years ago - and it has not changed since then. It is therefore widely known. In particular, we have spent much time, both by email and on the telephone, setting out our position to you - so you already know the answers to the question you pose. (Indeeed, one of our figures has recently been featured on this forum as a superbly painted item - so modellers clearly have access to our figures). We also note from these conversations how you criticise most other figure producers and sculptors in the business.
If you dont like what we do then simply buy your figures from somebody else. Meanwhile, we will continue to run the business in the way that best suits the circumstances we find ourselves in and we suggest that even limited production of some figures is better than none at all. If you are unhappy with the way that people in the industry run their businesses then we suggest you give up your highly paid position and set up your own figure producing company - and show us all how it is done. Meanwhile, leave running our busines to us.
I am aware that the military figure market is suffering from the recession perhaps more than most, and that how you run your own business is of course your affair, and dependent upon your circumstances.

Hello Mike,
As they are not currently available then, surely, any availability is better than none? If we get the range (which is highly unlikely as things stand anyway) they will be added to our existing figures and marketed within our existing business plan. The circumstances I find myself in are quite different from the owners of the other companies you mention and therefore requires a different approach. Buying these older figure ranges is clearly a different strategy and requires a different approach as well. This is my choice as the business owner and is based on my circumstances. Had Terry's health been better then it might have been different.
I am sorry you don't like that and even more sorry for mis-judging the friendship I thought you and Terry had.
And thanks to those customers who have emailed us directly with their support in this matter - your loyalty and good wishes are much appreciated. This matter is now closed as far as I am concerned.
It's nice to see these Mike French figures available from zinnfiguren. I had the Lifeguards NCO from 1882 back when it first came out. I made a right balls up of it and ditched it. I'm glad I may finally get the chance to try it again.
