The webbing look excellent, is it sponged?
The webbing look excellent, is it sponged?
Thanks a lot Mike, and the same to you and yours.No all brush worked with acrylics & blending medium Carl.
Happy, safe festive greetings from NZ.
I did wonder at the bright yellow undercoat on the leather waistcoat ,but it all became apparent with your scrub coat of oils ,nice technique with the toothbrush ,got to agree with not using primer at times
as the undercoat serves for this purpose especially if using humbrols for this purpose ,don't know if Tamiya would take to unprepared resin though.
Wow great paint job on the face and them eyes are life like.
Jeeez Mike, this dude is coming along rather nicely. I enjoy watching each phase as you progress and the attention to detail you put in to it. Each texture is a standout!
Hi Mike,
You're certainly taking your time with this project, but the results are spectacular. The detail and textures on the webbing and the water bottle are awesome.
Just one suggestion - the enamel on the water bottle should probably be blue rather than green, and could be chipped and and scuffed up. I'm not sure if Aussies and Kiwis had different coloured water bottles but most Aussie ones were dark blue enamel.
I can't wait to see how you tackle the great coat. Best wishes to you and your family for the festive season mate.
You really get a feel for the size of this monster now Mike impressive looking bit of kit